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sudarsan_avs 2011-08-19 08:01

[HELP] My Laptop Wifi is not working want to use N900 for connecting to Wifi

My Laptop Wifi is not stable (some hardware issues) - Ethernet cable is working fine. I would like to use my N900 for connecting to my home network, using USB or bluetooth need to access my laptop : please let me know is this possible. I know that we can share 3G/2G using PC Suite, but I would like to use my home network :confused:

Thanks in advance,

jedi 2011-08-19 09:51

Re: [HELP] My Laptop Wifi is not working want to use N900 for connecting to Wifi
Probably a good start...

iTor 2011-08-19 09:59

Re: [HELP] My Laptop Wifi is not working want to use N900 for connecting to Wifi
Hmmm, not sure about sharing the WiFi connection, as Mobile Hotspot only allows you selecting GPRS connections.

Do some research in bluetooth based connectivity, it might get you further. Sorry I can't remember the name of the project.

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