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esthreel 2011-08-21 13:38

I got an offer to swap my N900 for an Xperia X10
What shoud I do? Xperia has a nice capacitive screen, and the newest OS from google. While I am stuck with OS from 2009. I like the 32GB, and a great camera on my N900, and the multitasking is way better here than Android, but n900 still seems slow. ( I hate when it starts to auto refresh ALL REPOS ON 3G!) And there are some great apps for android... I don't know... The value of N900 dropped dramatically since I got in spring 2010, so this seams a pretty good deal?

Thanks, for any opinions.

MINKIN2 2011-08-21 14:21

Re: I got an offer to switch my N900 for an Xperia X10
Why "switch"?

Cant you keep both?

randomdood 2011-08-21 14:24

Re: I got an offer to switch my N900 for an Xperia X10
i would keep the n900, a couple of my friends have a x10. The only plus point it has is android store. But don't find myself in need of more apps, I also like my qwerty.

esthreel 2011-08-21 14:42

Re: I got an offer to switch my N900 for an Xperia X10

Originally Posted by MINKIN2 (Post 1074040)
Why "switch"?

Cant you keep both?

I am non-native english speaker, I meant swap, sorry. I give him my N900 and he...

esthreel 2011-08-21 14:44

Re: I got an offer to switch my N900 for an Xperia X10

Originally Posted by randomdood (Post 1074042)
i would keep the n900, a couple of my friends have a x10. The only plus point it has is android store. But don't find myself in need of more apps, I also like my qwerty.

But the funny thing is that the apps is the main reason I would like to grab an android...

corduroysack 2011-08-21 14:45

Re: I got an offer to swap my N900 for an Xperia X10
my mates spent more time away for repair than with him, i'd keep the n900 myself nothing compares to it :)

esthreel 2011-08-21 14:46

Re: I got an offer to swap my N900 for an Xperia X10

Originally Posted by corduroysack (Post 1074054)
my mates spent more time away for repair than with him, i'd keep the n900 myself nothing compares to it :)

So the X10 has the worse build quality than the N900? Could you say that?

qwazix 2011-08-21 14:50

Re: I got an offer to swap my N900 for an Xperia X10
install NITDroid and voila the latest android version and all the apps

m4r0v3r 2011-08-21 14:55

Re: I got an offer to swap my N900 for an Xperia X10
qwazix has a good point tbh

esthreel 2011-08-21 14:57

Re: I got an offer to swap my N900 for an Xperia X10

Originally Posted by qwazix (Post 1074060)
install NITDroid and voila the latest android version and all the apps

I respect the developers and their hard work (I know it took a lot of time to get nitdroid where it is) But it is a "proof of a concept" not something usable for me. It is slow compared to genuine android handsets, no GPS, no camera, limited phone capabilities. I tried nitdroid three times since the project begun. I even OCed, but it just made my N900 warm. Maemo stil runs wayyyy better. So while this a good advice, it is not the solution.

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