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AapoRantalainen 2011-09-01 17:04

[Announce] Crawl-0.9.1-console (Roguelike game) on extras-devel
1 Attachment(s)
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is an open-source, single-player, role-playing roguelike game of exploration and treasure-hunting in dungeons filled with dangerous and unfriendly monsters in a quest to rescue the mystifyingly fabulous Orb of Zot.


This version is very recent (August 2011) and has only console version, no menu entry.
Tune font, toggle fullscreen on and start game:

Game will crash if you change font/fullscreen during game play.

First start will take several minutes (thanks szopin for pointing this).

Enter is fixed for N900, so 'enter' will not work over ssh (game running on N900, player using computer's keyboard).

For developers:
There are also package crawl-tiles, started with /opt/crawl/bin/crawl-tiles , which is using GLES, but it crash immediately when starting. If you know something about GL/GLES wrapping, step in.

szopin 2011-09-01 17:31

Re: [Announce] Crawl-0.9.1-console (Roguelike game) on extras-devel
Very much appreciated update. Not big DCSS fan myself, but then again previous version was from ages ago. Might give it another try.

szopin 2011-09-02 05:52

Re: [Announce] Crawl-0.9.1-console (Roguelike game) on extras-devel
2 Attachment(s)
Aapo for GLES to run you need to use different libGL/libGLU than the one used for compiling (7.1RC worked, to avoid reinstalling for each test build: put in same directory and 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.' before running. This got rid of "Failed to set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual" error I had closing on me on a fresh 0.9 tiles build of DCSS).

I can't seem to get enter key running in your console version btw. Also the first loading time should be noted - extremely long. Over 5 minutes when run for the first time (could be my settings/junk/etc but if others experience nothing after ./crawl, not even ctrl-C working, all is fine just be patient, generating those DBs takes a while).

AapoRantalainen 2011-09-02 12:51

Re: [Announce] Crawl-0.9.1-console (Roguelike game) on extras-devel

Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1080385)
Aapo for GLES to run you need to use different libGL/libGLU than the one used for compiling (7.1RC worked, to avoid reinstalling for each test build: put in same directory and 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.' before running. This got rid of "Failed to set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual" error I had closing on me on a fresh 0.9 tiles build of DCSS).

Seems great. Do you mean you compiled crawl-tiles with TILES=y (and without GLES=Y) and then run binary on device with these (your link) *.so-files?

On repository crawl-tiles is compiled with TILES=y GLES=y, it uses and, no GL/GLU. And error message is:

ASSERT(m_handle) in '' at line 79 failed.
Where your so-files comes, it is possible (and legal) to put their sources with crawl and handle building on autobuilder during building crawl?


Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1080385)
I can't seem to get enter key running in your console version btw.

Vanilla console version is waiting '\r' for enter-key ('\r'=13), but N900 produces -1010 when enter-key is pressed. It was much easier to just change it than make them both working.
-> Drawback, can't play with real keyboard over ssh and maybe usb/bluetooth keyboard is also broken (unless some numpad-enter works?)

I added this to the first post.

szopin 2011-09-02 13:29

Re: [Announce] Crawl-0.9.1-console (Roguelike game) on extras-devel
Yes. It's libgl1 7.1 RC3 (might be older RC1/2, got them when playing with Armagetron Advanced as it wouldn't run with mesa gl for which there is -dev) from fremantle ssu apps/mr0 or deb (sdk?) repositories (that's what fapman is listing for me) I believe. I used just TILES=1 on gcc 4.4 from tannerlab, there are a few problems though. First char in second line seems to be put in middle strangely and when it comes to the dungeon (char creation accepts both mouse and keyboard input without problems) nothing really happens. It's not keyboard focus issue. Sometimes a yellow outline will appear around one of the tiles so it might be refresh issue that can be changed in the .h file where sound can be triggered before compile. Can't really check it. Compiling mon-util.o alone takes over 90 minutes and makes the phone unresponsive and will sometimes reboot the phone (might be because I resize /tmp a bit, didn't get reboots without it, but unsure)... takes 411Mb of swap and over 109 RAM when compiling :( Retrying can take half a day.
EDIT: I have libgl-mesa-dev/glx (7.0.3), libglu1-mesa(-dev) installed, hope none of these pose legal problems (fapman won't tell me which repo they are from), not sure if all were needed for compiling.

szopin 2011-09-05 12:49

Re: [Announce] Crawl-0.9.1-console (Roguelike game) on extras-devel
Finally got back. Sadly your newest crawl build (maemo8) doesn't work neither on phone, neither through PuTTY. Is there any setting that has to be changed for PuTTY to send \r on enter?
Oh, and the GL/U version is not stuck in the dungeon btw. I managed to get it to refresh the screen a few times (by turning phone with closed keyboard, locking/unlocking, ctrl-backspace) and it does accept input, but has some severe problems with displaying them. When I managed to get to help screen with text only it even was reacting for a bit. Also, the setting I hoped could help is for watching live games on server I believe, not tiles version, so this won't help :(

AapoRantalainen 2011-09-05 12:57

Re: [Announce] Crawl-0.9.1-console (Roguelike game) on extras-devel
version -maemo8 command line version is working on my phone (no CSSU). PuTTY is sending '\r', but I have changed maemo-version, and it is not accepting '\r' but -1010.

Might be possible to accept both, but it is not trivial, and it doesn't sound typical user case to run game on phone and play it from computer.

Also crawl-tiles can be started on phone, but it is using GL (which means software) and it is way too slooooooow to play. But as I wrote earlier, GLES (which means hardware) is not starting at all, because upstream have stalled it development.

szopin 2011-09-05 13:00

Re: [Announce] Crawl-0.9.1-console (Roguelike game) on extras-devel
CSSU seems to break it then. For a moment I was hoping this would mean changing to \r would allow DoomRL to run through QEMU. It also stalls on the menu and is not accepting enter (have to press space to get there) but arrow keys work.

szopin 2011-09-05 13:04

Re: [Announce] Crawl-0.9.1-console (Roguelike game) on extras-devel
BTW Kornel replied to my post:
Sound version also -- for *nix systems Valkyrie uses SDL sound.

Thanks for the maemo versions :). Please drop by on IRC if you have more questions -- as well as discussing access to DoomRL/AliensRL repos, and changes to the code that would improve maemo experience.

Could this mean he could give you access to DoomRL/AliensRL repos? This would kick ***

TimusEravan 2011-09-07 08:07

Re: [Announce] Crawl-0.9.1-console (Roguelike game) on extras-devel
DoomRL (with sound if possible) will be fantastic!!

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