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Soulaxe 2011-09-07 09:48

Can't install, or update any programs
the default app manager tells me I have no memory to install any applications despite my efforts in removing large packages any help?

kingoddball 2011-09-07 10:10

Re: Can't install, or update any programs
goto xTerm and type: "df -h /"

This will tell you whats left on your NAND (this is the problem HAM is showing).

See whats left. Also, removing crap will help.

Also, look here:

Soulaxe 2011-09-07 17:02

Re: Can't install, or update any programs
sorry, short of time so my message was left short and not very helpful.

Thing is I know I have free memory, yet even installing an app at the size of 11kb will present the "Out of Memory" error, this doesn't happen in FAS, only in HAM. HAM is reporting incorrect readings on rootfs space for installable apps. Is there a way to reset apt-worker(?)'s incorrect readings?

Soulaxe 2011-09-15 19:00

Re: Can't install, or update any programs
I need to fix this bug, the new CSSU is out and I can't update any of the programs on my phone. Is there any way to reset dpkg memory readings/force update?

michaaa62 2011-09-15 19:24

Re: Can't install, or update any programs
Do not use HAM to fix things use pure apt-get in a X-Terminal as root. The output of apt-get is most of the time useful to get what is blocking. Try

sudo gainroot
apt-get update
apt-get install -f

Sometimes the -f option fixes things automatically.

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