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visenza110 2011-09-08 16:07

boot loop after deleting transitions.ini
i deleted the transitions.ini file in usr/share/hildon desktop/ so that the fatal error message displayed by cssu configurator can the phone is in reboot there a way to save the device or reflashing is the only way..plzz help :(

Jigzy 2011-09-08 16:32

Re: boot loop after deleting transitions.ini
I messed around with the transition.ini only way I could resolve it was by reflashing

Jenason 2011-09-08 16:36

Re: boot loop after deleting transitions.ini
Same here... Backing up after the reflash now... :(
I even got into R&D mode but since Hildon was out of order, I couldn't do anything...

magick777 2011-09-08 16:37

Re: boot loop after deleting transitions.ini
Did you have backupmenu installed, and, if so, could you use it to gain SSH access to the device?

Jenason 2011-09-08 16:38

Re: boot loop after deleting transitions.ini
Unfortunately not...

Jenason 2011-09-08 16:38

Re: boot loop after deleting transitions.ini
I'll install it this time...

immi.shk 2011-09-08 16:39

Re: boot loop after deleting transitions.ini
got the same problem while messing with "transitions.ini"... altho my Nitdroiid ws still working but i wasn't able to access the file(or is there any way to fix it via file fanager like Astro).. :(
"the only thing that helped me was formatting"
maybe someone i'l provide you a better solution

Nokia 5700 2011-09-08 17:17

Re: boot loop after deleting transitions.ini
NITDroid is a nice way to fix such problems. I managed to repair my system with that, only that you have to use a pesky on-screen keyboard for it to work.
You just get a terminal in NITDroid, enable Hacker's keyboard and start vi'ing into the /mnt/ubifs folder. :)

TiagoTiago 2011-09-13 05:41

Re: boot loop after deleting transitions.ini
I think i read someone managed to call xterm via the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-Shift-X) and with the terminal open it wouldn't reboot and they could re-add the transitions.ini file. Might be worth a try.

oXun 2011-09-15 05:58

Re: boot loop after deleting transitions.ini
It won't reboot when n900 is plugged as a usb mass storage device. It worked for me and gave me the time to browse my n900 content.

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