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jinnn_1989 2011-09-14 16:52

[Request] Portrait Keyborad
Does anyone had portrait keyboard like meego or android or apple type . Because i am facing problem when using portrait mode. i always have to use my both hands while type and have to open the keyboard of the phone which is not possible while driving or when doing some other word.
I dont have any hard feelings for the slide out keyboard but i love it the most and i need this portrait keyboard also.... have any one ported it? any work in progress or not avaible at all?
Guys dont you think now its time to have this keyboard as your beloved n900 is working in full portrait mode?

pusak gaoq 2011-09-14 17:09

Re: [Request] Portrait Keyborad
FastSMS & FastsmsEVO....

next time search within all repo in HAM & FAM rather than requesting something that already have in repo....if you lazy enough then us power search in this TMO....

Mentalist Traceur 2011-09-14 17:52

Re: [Request] Portrait Keyborad
There's one horrible problem with FastSMS/FastSMSEvo - it depends on QTMobility, which breaks if you have multiple accounts for the same service configured and enabled in Conversations/Accounts (if only one is enabled it works fine, but if you say, want your N900 to sign you in to multiple google talk/skype/whatever accounts at once, you have to sacrifice FastSMSEvo use for that time period).

But, it's not a problem for many people, and it's always possible QTMobility and/or FastSMS itself has had this fixed by now, or will in the future. (Currently, you can get a scrunched version of the default hildon vkb if you have forced rotation enabled in the CSSU desktop transitions.ini file settings).

jinnn_1989 2011-09-15 04:52

Re: [Request] Portrait Keyborad

Originally Posted by pusak gaoq (Post 1088323)
FastSMS & FastsmsEVO....

next time search within all repo in HAM & FAM rather than requesting something that already have in repo....if you lazy enough then us power search in this TMO....

excuse meeeee.....i am not lazy. i know about fastsms and fastsmsevo.....i also have them installed
I want an full qwerty keybaord.

amadeukaos 2011-09-15 05:21

Re: [Request] Portrait Keyborad
1 Attachment(s)
the native keyboard, with the new cssu update, goes very well in portrait mode!
Attachment 22630

Minhaz 2011-09-15 05:36

Re: [Request] Portrait Keyborad
and dont forget about the mcip :) that has a decent interface and in portrait you can switch between T9/Qwerty :)

aanckar 2011-09-15 05:38

Re: [Request] Portrait Keyborad

Originally Posted by jinnn_1989 (Post 1088653)
excuse meeeee.....i am not lazy. i know about fastsms and fastsmsevo.....i also have them installed
I want an full qwerty keybaord.

You do realize FastsmsEvo can be switched from T9 to full qwerty?

jinnn_1989 2011-09-15 13:21

Re: [Request] Portrait Keyborad
how do i use fastsms as my default keybaord?

end2begin 2011-09-15 13:24

Re: [Request] Portrait Keyborad
FastsmsEvo felt always a bit jerky. It is slow and it just did not work as great as the standard portrait keyboard. The standard portrait keyboard is of course the standard landscape keyboard squeezed together. This also leads to some problems; some buttons aren't there etc, but it still works better than FastsmsEvo.

marmistrz 2011-09-16 15:27

Re: [Request] Portrait Keyborad
And is the portrait vkbd in community-testing? If not, which packages from community-devel should I install

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