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onasre 2011-09-20 21:31

Alarmed to run mp3 file

is there away to setup Alarmed to Execute a command to run an MP3 file after i answer the Phone .

if why ? just need it to play some jokes when my Pal Calls , and do not want to do it manually Because i want a quicker way .


afaq 2011-09-20 21:50

Re: Alarmed to run mp3 file
Don't think thats possible without some serious tinkering as the n900 does not allows music to be played during an active call (unlike its symbian brethrens).

onasre 2011-09-20 22:16

Re: Alarmed to run mp3 file
yes and i know how to make alarmed run an mp3 file but dont know how to trigger it after accepting calls . there might be a workaround to play mp3 during call

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