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panjgoori 2011-09-21 17:43

Nitdroid Step by Step guide for Installing
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Hi. I have bought N900 two days ago. really a good phone with good OS. I wanted to ask that how to install nitdroid in it ? As i want to play some good games. so i want a easy guide to install it as i dont know much about N900 nor im a linux user. and I have 2gb mmc will this be enough for Nitdroid ? and one more thing i dont want to install in internal emmc and will my all data in emmc will be erased when installing nitdroid ? Thanks in advance.

cooldubai 2011-09-21 18:02

Re: Nitdroid Step by Step guide for Installing
Firstly a Warning! Installing NITDroid is a risky business, secondly there are many threads explaining how to install NITDriod. So... figure it out.

easy way to install is by NITDroid Auto-Installer, but den I would recommend installing the manual way.

other queries u will figure it out when u start understanding the procedure.

gilamonyet 2011-09-21 18:12

Re: Nitdroid Step by Step guide for Installing
As cooldubai stated its really easy now with the auto-installer.

But here's a step by step guide:


Originally Posted by ammyt (Post 1091719)
OK So, let me get this straight, a one-tap installer/un-installer utility, and people here are screaming absolutely silly questions?
I thought I would stop giving detailed instructions once a one-tap auto-installer is here, but looks that we'll get back to the old fashioned way, that's how I started this thread in the first place.

1. Make sure that you have Extras, Extras-testing, Extras-devel repositories enabled.
2. Make sure that you don't have directory /and from past installation attempts/installations. If you do so proceed to step 6.
3. Copy NITDroid-Installer_0.2.8-8.deb to your N900, open your N900's file manager, navigate to where you put the NITDroid-Installer file.
4. Tap on the installer file, app. manager should launch, accept and continue to install.
5. You should have now two icons on your apps list.
6. If you have directory /and existing, launch the Un-Installer first, if you don't, ignore this step.
7. Launch the installer, you will figure out you're way from there.

To reflash a custom eMMC:
1. Download the custom eMMC file:
2. Rename it to emmc.bin, and copy it to C:\Program Files\maemo\flasher-3.5\
3. Make sure you also have your firmware bin file in that location too, for simplicity, rename it to fiasco
4. You should have 2 big bin files now in C:\Program Files\maemo\flasher-3.5\ fiasco.bin and emmc.bin
5. Click on Start on the search bar, type Maemo
6. You should see Maemo Flasher 3.5 with a cmd icon, run it.
7. Copy this command and paste it in the cmd window:
flasher-3.5 -F fiasco.bin -f
8. Hit Enter/Return and wait for completion
9. After it completes, copy this command and paste it in the cmd window:
flasher-3.5 -F emmc.bin -f -R
10. After it completes, your N900 should reboot, if it does, your alrighty super-duper, if it doesn't, paint it red and use it as a brick.

For more info and help check:

TransTech 2011-09-21 18:39

Re: Nitdroid Step by Step guide for Installing
firstly i would like to say use power search before opening a thread...
secondly i would ask you.. do you know how to reflash!!! you will better understand how to or else its very dangerous thing ... PLEASE DONT TOUCH NITDROID STUFF UNTIL YOU KNOW HOW TO REFLASH YOUR N900...D:

sorry for bold letters... but i installed nitdroid about 10 times and needed to reflash at the end of the day...

anyways best of luck... /that really matters/ :)

p.s if you use win7 64bit its really a big headache at te first time to reflash.. ;)

panjgoori 2011-09-22 06:17

Re: Nitdroid Step by Step guide for Installing

Originally Posted by TransTech (Post 1093412)
firstly i would like to say use power search before opening a thread...
secondly i would ask you.. do you know how to reflash!!! you will better understand how to or else its very dangerous thing ... PLEASE DONT TOUCH NITDROID STUFF UNTIL YOU KNOW HOW TO REFLASH YOUR N900...D:

sorry for bold letters... but i installed nitdroid about 10 times and needed to reflash at the end of the day...

anyways best of luck... /that really matters/ :)

p.s if you use win7 64bit its really a big headache at te first time to reflash.. ;)

didnt tried flashing n900. but i found a easy guide here it is a easy one. what abou the files in my n900 emmc when i will install nitroid in my 2gb mmc. will my files will get deleted ?

TransTech 2011-09-22 08:42

Re: Nitdroid Step by Step guide for Installing
if you use auto installer, it just puts a folder named /and/ in internal memory (MyDocs) and if you use 2gb external micro sd card (suggestion: use class 6 or class 10 for best results), it just put those file on the card, in both the cases it doesnt erase your files until you reflash with custom emmc or full flash (rootfs and emmc both).

I must strongly recommend you to install Backup-Menu app from extra-devel repos and create a backup (just restart n900 with keyboard out and follow the instructions) in order to save your settings and installed programs
before you install NITDROID

TransTech 2011-09-22 08:53

Re: Nitdroid Step by Step guide for Installing

Originally Posted by panjgoori (Post 1093698)
didnt tried flashing n900. but i found a easy guide here it is a easy one. what abou the files in my n900 emmc when i will install nitroid in my 2gb mmc. will my files will get deleted ?

that link you are refering to reflash doesnt have extra steps to install drivers if you use win7 64bit.. else its fine and simple.. :)

panjgoori 2011-09-22 15:19

Re: Nitdroid Step by Step guide for Installing

Originally Posted by TransTech (Post 1093763)
that link you are refering to reflash doesnt have extra steps to install drivers if you use win7 64bit.. else its fine and simple.. :)

im using windows 7 32 bit. so i think no drives will be needed.

TransTech 2011-09-22 16:01

Re: Nitdroid Step by Step guide for Installing

Originally Posted by panjgoori (Post 1093974)
im using windows 7 32 bit. so i think no drives will be needed.

yep i think so...:)

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