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rimadreamer 2011-09-23 20:20

Video call with N810

I took this N810 a week ago, and i am totally new to this maemo platform. so can any one help me on these issues below :

1) Is video calling is possible on N810 - and with which application ?
does it work with skype ?
Currently i could make only voice calls on skype.
if skype does not work, is there an application that can use googletalk for video calls ?

2) how can i use google voice with the dialcentre - it always asks me for a callback no.
and i am not able to find the right place even on googlevoice to register that callback no.

3) I find N810 too slow in launching any applications - how can i enhance the speed.

4) How can i delete the games which are preinstalled in the N810. I do not use much of gaming applications. I just would like to increase some space.

5) Heard that N810 has inbuilt GPS -
Is there a good GPS application to run it
there are so many in the installable applications - which one is the easiest and consumes less space.
i found this freemap-il but it does not look like in english...

I am totally new to this maemo, but want to explore, i have searched a lot of forums and threads on maemo, but could not find clear answers...

hence posting this new one.........

please help


Addison 2011-09-23 21:13

Re: Video call with N810
2) Since Gizmo shut down, you need to get a sip account.

This will be your callback number.

3) Install Diablo Turbo and the Community SSU

lma 2011-09-23 23:35

Re: Video call with N810

Originally Posted by rimadreamer (Post 1094768)
1) Is video calling is possible on N810 - and with which application ?
does it work with skype ?

Not skype, but it does work with XMPP (jabber) and possibly SIP accounts.


if skype does not work, is there an application that can use googletalk for video calls ?
Not sure about google's specific service, casts some doubt.


5) Heard that N810 has inbuilt GPS -
Is there a good GPS application to run it
Maemo mapper works best for me.

rimadreamer 2011-09-25 10:50

Re: Video call with N810

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 1094797)
2) Since Gizmo shut down, you need to get a sip account.

This will be your callback number.

3) Install Diablo Turbo and the Community SSU


thanks for your info...
I started installing for the diablo turbo..
but i am stuck at the first step itself
updating the firmware - the sudo flasher command
sudo dpkg -i <flasher-package-name>
why does it ask for a pwd here ?

kindly reply

Straycat 2011-09-25 11:57

Re: Video call with N810

Originally Posted by rimadreamer (Post 1095715)
I started installing for the diablo turbo..
but i am stuck at the first step itself
updating the firmware - the sudo flasher command
sudo dpkg -i <flasher-package-name>

You 'wish' install .deb packages better.

maacruz 2011-09-25 12:51

Re: Video call with N810

Originally Posted by rimadreamer (Post 1095715)

thanks for your info...
I started installing for the diablo turbo..
but i am stuck at the first step itself
updating the firmware - the sudo flasher command
sudo dpkg -i <flasher-package-name>
why does it ask for a pwd here ?

kindly reply

You should install CSSU first.
Then follow Diablo Turbo first post instructions TO THE LETTER

rimadreamer 2011-09-26 09:58

Re: Video call with N810

as per the installation instructions in the link:

I successfully reached the rootsh,
then got the ccsu repository enabled and unlocked.

but now i am stuck at this command

from #home/user
when i enter
> cd /media/mmc1/dt
i get error as "cant cd to media/mmc1/dt
why is this error ?
am i doing anything wrong ?

kindly help

lma 2011-09-26 10:11

Re: Video call with N810

Originally Posted by rimadreamer (Post 1096555)
but now i am stuck at this command

from #home/user
when i enter
> cd /media/mmc1/dt
i get error as "cant cd to media/mmc1/dt
why is this error ?
am i doing anything wrong ?

It sounds like you skipped this part of the installation instructions:


Create directory /media/mmc1/dt (your external SDHC card)
move all saved dt files to this location

rimadreamer 2011-09-27 07:21

Installing the Diablo
hello all,

thanks to all your prompt responses. have been able to successfully install the diablo finally.

Jerome 2011-09-27 11:34

Re: Video call with N810
Video call works with the built-in software on the N810 using google talk... I gave a N810 to my mother for that purpose and have been using for a few years now. The limitation is that the N810 will only do video calls to another N810, N800 or N900.

Skype video does not work on the N810 and probably never will. It does work on the N900.

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