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Keiynn 2011-09-25 02:53

Status Bar Glitch after CSSU
My status bar only pulls down that tiny bit when I tap on it. As you can see... that is a big problem...

It became like this after I installed CSSU and updated.

Anyone know how to fix this? D:

Thanks in advance.

Oh, and, sorry if someone already posted this problem; I couldn't find anything.

tuxsavvy 2011-09-25 03:06

Re: Status Bar Glitch after CSSU
What else did you upgrade apart from CSSU? and which version is your CSSU?

Keiynn 2011-09-25 05:59

Re: Status Bar Glitch after CSSU

I updated all of them but they keep showing up on my list even after it finishes and says it was successful.

and my CSSU is 0.6-6.

prankster 2011-09-25 06:09

Re: Status Bar Glitch after CSSU
let me know when you get this image in settings/community ssu

tuxsavvy 2011-09-25 08:55

Re: Status Bar Glitch after CSSU
I'm guessing you're stuck at the version before maemo16.x versions, can you run this in X Terminal and tell me what is the output?:

dpkg -l mp-fremantle-community-pr| grep ii| awk '{ print $3 }'

Keiynn 2011-09-25 14:15

Re: Status Bar Glitch after CSSU
This is what I got:

[Edit] And in settings it says my firmware is 20.2010.36-2. And in CSSU it says 20.2010.36-2maemo16.8[/Edit]

tuxsavvy 2011-09-25 14:33

Re: Status Bar Glitch after CSSU
Its dpkg -l (l as in long, not the number 1)

MohammadAG 2011-09-25 14:52

Re: Status Bar Glitch after CSSU

Q: After installing version 20.2010.36-maemo14, my hildon-status-menu has no rows

Keiynn 2011-09-25 15:07

Re: Status Bar Glitch after CSSU
I corrected the 1 to l and this time I got nothing. A new line:

~ $

just came out.

Harick 2011-09-25 15:22

Re: Status Bar Glitch after CSSU
first, you need to have root access, if you don't, install an application called rootsh

then type in a new terminal


then type this, please type it exactly as it is


gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-status-menu/view/number_of_rows -t int 6
then enter and then type this


gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-status-menu/view/number_of_rows_portrait -t int 8
then enter again and report back if it worked

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