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momcilo 2011-09-29 10:14

Questions for Intel Elements - Seattle
zehjotkah is currently in Seattle at the Intel Elements.

I suggest we ask the relavent questions since the event time is short (28. - 29.) September.

Excellent question by Erendorn, so I will copy it (source):


Originally Posted by erendorn (Post 1098820)
Can we expect open graphic/wireless drivers whenever/if the intel SoC comes out? is 2012 still expected release for these chips? In such case wouldn't that be an easier (but farther and more imaginary) hardware base for a community device?

momcilo 2011-09-29 10:55

Re: Questions for Intel Elements - Seattle
What are the main differences compared to Meego?

ysss 2011-09-29 11:03

Re: Questions for Intel Elements - Seattle
What are the lessons learned from MeeGo and Nokia?

onethreealpha 2011-09-29 11:03

Re: Questions for Intel Elements - Seattle
Will intel transfer existing N900CE resources over to Tizen and will there be a complete move away from all development on Arm?

MartinK 2011-09-29 11:19

Re: Questions for Intel Elements - Seattle
  • What about Python support ?
  • What graphical toolkits will be available ?
  • Also do they plan some Aegis equivalent (hope not!) ?

Helmuth 2011-09-29 11:50

Re: Questions for Intel Elements - Seattle
  • What about the possibility for the community to support GTK+ and Qt based applications? Will this be allowed?
  • Are we able to promote them to the store?
  • What kind of packaging system will be used?
    RPM, DEB, no packaging or is it up to the vendor?

zehjotkah 2011-09-29 18:42

Re: Questions for Intel Elements - Seattle
Awesome questions! Thanks a lot.
Here are the answers:


Can we expect open graphic/wireless drivers whenever/if the intel SoC comes out?
The entire stack will be open.


is 2012 still expected release for these chips? In such case wouldn't that be an easier (but farther and more imaginary) hardware base for a community device?
sure, devices will be announced in the beginning of 2012 and come out in mid 2012.


What are the main differences compared to Meego?
Underlying platform is mostly the same, application APIs are different, there is still some discussion going around.


What are the lessons learned from MeeGo and Nokia?
With the LiMo Foundation and WAC they have a number of industry players, not only just one partner.


Will intel transfer existing N900CE resources over to Tizen and will there be a complete move away from all development on ARM?
Tizen will fully support ARM!
Even the AppUp Store will support ARM.
(my comment: since it's fully open souce, count 1 + 1 to know if there will be a N900 version, the most work is already done with the MeeGo CE, platform is very, very similar)


What about Python support?
No idea
(my comment: take a look into MeeGo)


What graphical toolkits will be available?
Known ones, no names-telling allowed yet but a hint: It is already very well known and heavily used


Also do they plan some Aegis equivalent (hope not!)?
The same one used already in MeeGo (not Aegis from Harmattan) SMACK based.


What about the possibility for the community to support GTK+ and Qt based applications? Will this be allowed?
There is nothing stopping the community to do anything they want.


Are we able to promote them to the store?
There will be a compliance document – everything that goes into the store has to meet that. But yes, nothing against GTK+ and Qt based Apps in the AppUp Store. But HTML5 is encouraged.


What kind of packaging system will be used - RPM, DEB, no packaging or is it up to the vendor?

Hope that answers many of your questions and removes a bit of uncertainty. If you have more questions please just ask! :)

Dave999 2011-09-29 20:22

Re: Questions for Intel Elements - Seattle

erendorn 2011-09-29 20:39

Re: Questions for Intel Elements - Seattle
These are very promising promises!
If they are kept, I'll be happy to be part of it.

zehjotkah 2011-09-29 20:45

Re: Questions for Intel Elements - Seattle

Originally Posted by Chuck Norris (Post 1099202)

just a new domain I registered... <->

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