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gerdich 2011-09-29 19:20

Maemo on kindle fire?
Is it possible to put maemo or tizen on amazon kindle fire?

lma 2011-09-29 19:23

Re: Maemo on kindle fire?
Maemo: no, not open enough. Tizen: unknown/too early to say how open it will be. From Amazon's PoV, they said they are not going to try to stop people from hacking the fire though.

gerdich 2011-09-29 19:29

Re: Maemo on kindle fire?
But as there is no phone on the kindle fire:

Take the open parts of maemo and the omap parts of meego.
Wouldn't that work?

wmarone 2011-09-30 02:12

Re: Maemo on kindle fire?
Not that simple. Too many core bits of Maemo are closed, you'd be better off taking some other Linux base and putting it on the device. Caveat is you probably won't get graphics drivers, which you need to get anything resembling decent performance.

gerbick 2011-09-30 03:20

Re: Maemo on kindle fire?

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 1099345)
Not that simple. Too many core bits of Maemo are closed, you'd be better off taking some other Linux base and putting it on the device. Caveat is you probably won't get graphics drivers, which you need to get anything resembling decent performance.

I hate to seem like I'm following you around with this one question, but how is MeeGo coming along on the Nook Color?

I wanna test that so badly.

wmarone 2011-10-01 04:35

Re: Maemo on kindle fire?
Stalled :(

Prior obligations on my and one other developer's part are eating our time and verygreen's working on some CM7 stuff for somethingorother right now. I do believe that martinez (I think that's his first name) wants to move on getting the framebuffer working, which will help going forward.

Drives me crazy, but work's work and it's (surprisingly) somewhat less stressful and annoying than the mobile space is these days o_O

cincibluer6 2011-10-01 04:42

Re: Maemo on kindle fire?

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 1100070)
Stalled :(

Prior obligations on my and one other developer's part are eating our time and verygreen's working on some CM7 stuff for somethingorother right now. I do believe that martinez (I think that's his first name) wants to move on getting the framebuffer working, which will help going forward.

Drives me crazy, but work's work and it's (surprisingly) somewhat less stressful and annoying than the mobile space is these days o_O

Was there something about kernel issues with that? I was reading on XDA about it and somebody mentioned that Meego specifically needs a newer kernel than is provided with the NC, even on the new builds (which IIRC are 2.6.32 or something.)

I would desperately like to try it as well since I think MeeGo/Maemo would be more beneficial on that than phone Android.

wmarone 2011-10-01 05:51

Re: Maemo on kindle fire?
Yes, the goal was to upstream the necessary board files and drivers (where necessary,) which meant taking the 2.6.32 sources and cherry picking all the useful bits. Unfortunately this also requires a lot of work as things like the sound driver need to be rewritten, then you have to test it and make sure it works.

Minimum, iirc, is 2.6.35 but the "official" minimum for tablet/smartphone was 2.6.37 or newer. Verygreen's goal was upstreaming in general, and wanted to run Fedora on it, so our goals mostly aligned.

Kangal 2011-10-02 01:11

Re: Maemo on kindle fire?
No, but its possible to put a Kindle on Fire

vivmak 2011-10-02 01:42

Re: Maemo on kindle fire?
While on the topic - Can Maemo be put on HP TouchPad as well

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