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Rahul Ranka 2011-10-05 05:53

Beginners cry for help.....
:confused:Hey every1 i just won a n900 in a game..Can u please tell me whether i only need the single latest update or i have to install all the updates i can find old and new?:confused:

For the record awesome mini super computer....:)

ejasmudar 2011-10-05 06:30

Re: Beginners cry for help.....
I am assuming you have PR1.3 firmware installed?
If so, you're well updated and you can install all the apps from Extras in the Application Manager.

There is one more update, the CSSU, but it is not for end-users now and I would advice you to stay away from it.

tuxsavvy 2011-10-05 06:35

Re: Beginners cry for help.....
To check if you have the latest firmware installed, go into Settings > About Device and look for version.

If your version states 20.2010.36-2 then you have the latest firmware which is PR1.3. Otherwise you should update it and preferrably via flashing the device.

Dancairo 2011-10-05 08:24

Re: Beginners cry for help.....
I'm eagerly awaiting the tread that says 'I just LOST my N900 in a game, where can I get another?'

ejasmudar 2011-10-05 08:28

Re: Beginners cry for help.....

Originally Posted by Dancairo (Post 1103129)
I'm eagerly awaiting the tread that says 'I just LOST my N900 in a game, where can I get another?'

Or maybe a new thread at one of the android forums saying, "I finally got rid of my obsolete device. Which new droid should I buy?"

:D :D

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