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cybermae 2011-10-05 12:05

Transferring Conversations from one N900 to Another

I recently parted with my N900 :( dropped it in water and after 48 hours in rice, now it works purely as a media player [All telephony functions disabled] The N900 no longer is detected by my compueter, No wifi also. Only data transfer possible is via blue tooth.

Anyways My brother also has an n900.
I know its possible to get Conversations from N900 to PC via ovi suite, but since mine wont show up when connected, I need to transfer all my conversations to my borthers N900 and then use OVI suite to transfer conversations to the PC.


I created a backup and got the el.db file[where the conversations are apparently stored] dont know what next!

Thank you.

MadVakov 2011-11-13 22:42

Re: Transferring Conversations from one N900 to Another
Good question i also like to know if we can do that :)

werks 2011-11-14 00:30

Re: Transferring Conversations from one N900 to Another
i think if u copy /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el-v1.db to he new n900 should work. not sure.

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