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jalyst 2011-10-05 20:14

How good/bad is the N9's Cellular/GPS/WiFi/BT reception?
I will preface his thread with a disclaimer that I know very little about cellular tech.
But I'm keen to debate & learn lots more.

Some background reading to get this ball rolling...
Blokes analysis of N9's antenna (cant fin orig. article yet, think it was telenor)

Changed the thread title in order to broaden the focus of this thread.
We can now debate wireless performance/reliability for: Cellular/GPS/WiFi/BT.
Not sure we should get into BT profiles though, mainly just reception quality/strength.

slai 2011-10-05 20:21

Re: How good is the N9's cellular reception compared to others?
How should I measure the Edge and 3g speeds for y'all?

xRobby 2011-10-05 20:52

Re: How good is the N9's cellular reception compared to others?

Try reading that article, from others i have read it seems the n9's signal and voice quality is a notch above the rest

bbin 2011-10-05 20:52

Re: How good is the N9's cellular reception compared to others?

Originally Posted by slai (Post 1103571)
How should I measure the Edge and 3g speeds for y'all?

Could you do a video? :D

slai 2011-10-05 20:54

Re: How good is the N9's cellular reception compared to others?
Sure but what would you like to see? Im not a huge poweruser of doom, i cant even make a damn file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ for christs sake :/

bbin 2011-10-05 20:57

Re: How good is the N9's cellular reception compared to others?

Originally Posted by slai (Post 1103591)
Sure but what would you like to see? Im not a huge poweruser of doom, i cant even make a damn file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ for christs sake :/

Just make video of browsing the big sites like engadget etc. with edge and 3G.

slai 2011-10-05 20:59

Re: How good is the N9's cellular reception compared to others?
Sure, warumnicht.

I can load engadget and videotape it. clear cookies etc or doesnt it matter?

also: more pages to use?

bbin 2011-10-05 21:00

Re: How good is the N9's cellular reception compared to others?

Originally Posted by slai (Post 1103594)
Sure, warumnicht.

I can load engadget and videotape it. clear cookies etc or doesnt it matter?

Think it's better if you clear cache in between.

slai 2011-10-05 21:30

Re: How good is the N9's cellular reception compared to others?
Ok, did that with engadget. uploading video now.

slai 2011-10-05 21:43

Re: How good is the N9's cellular reception compared to others?

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