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abuakram 2011-10-06 13:59

extract deb file from n900

Since I'm living in a country which is restricted by nokia, I can't download any files from ovi store or from nokia's repository. But since I traveled to another country nearby I used this opportunity to download what I wanted and voila.

But I want to flash my n900...

Is there a way to extract deb files and store them so that to install them after the flashing?

Or simply making a backup of certain files, games, apps?

abuakram 2011-10-06 16:42

Re: extract deb file from n900
hmmmmmmmmm, seems like it's not possible since no reply

Drexxx 2011-10-06 17:16

Re: extract deb file from n900
I am not sure about what you want, but I think this could help you:
To download a deb, from console and apt-get:

aptitude download name_of_package
If you want to install it, you don't have to extract the deb. Simply do this:

dpkg -i name_of_package.deb

abuakram 2011-10-06 17:25

Re: extract deb file from n900

Originally Posted by Drexxx (Post 1104228)
I am not sure about what you want, but I think this could help you:
To download a deb, from console and apt-get:

aptitude download name_of_package
If you want to install it, you don't have to extract the deb. Simply do this:

dpkg -i name_of_package.deb

thankx for your reply

I have no problem with downloading and installing

my question explained, that I have an app installed on my n900, let's say, Panorama.

Can I extract Panorama with all it's dependencies from N900 into a deb file?

demolition 2011-10-06 17:28

Re: extract deb file from n900
The above works fine for downloading from the repositories but does it work from Ovi store too? I mean can aptitude get stuff from Ovi and not unpack it, especially paid-for s/w?

When you do a back-up with either Ovi suite or the build in back up tool, it stores a list of installed software (for better or for worse!). I think this is supposed to allow you to reinstall s/w, including paid-for items without paying again. You seem to have problems the Ovi servers, which might prevent the above working though.

demolition 2011-10-06 17:32

Re: extract deb file from n900

Originally Posted by abuakram (Post 1104236)
thankx for your reply

I have no problem with downloading and installing

my question explained, that I have an app installed on my n900, let's say, Panorama.

Can I extract Panorama with all it's dependencies from N900 into a deb file?

I think the dependencies for stuff in Ovi is stored in the Applications and Nokia SSU repositories. Can someone confirm this?
AFAIK, there's no way of telling from Ovi, what the dependencies are, in the same way once can from's package interface. Again, if I'm wrong please, someone, correct me.

Drexxx 2011-10-06 18:57

Re: extract deb file from n900

Originally Posted by abuakram (Post 1104236)
thankx for your reply

I have no problem with downloading and installing

my question explained, that I have an app installed on my n900, let's say, Panorama.

Can I extract Panorama with all it's dependencies from N900 into a deb file?

Ah! Sorry, I didn't understand you.
AFAIK, downloading from OVI store is not possible.
And downloading Panorama (for example) and it's dependencies could be possible if you make a script.
Take a look at this.
However, I think it is difficult, because, what happen with dependencies of dependencies? I mean, maybe you have to download a lot of packages. Too much packages if you are going to reflash your N900...
Hope I helped you.
And sorry if I don't speak English very well...

abuakram 2011-10-06 19:09

Re: extract deb file from n900

Originally Posted by Drexxx (Post 1104292)
Ah! Sorry, I didn't understand you.

You still didn't understand

I don't want to download from OVI

I already have all applications I want on my device

I want to back up these applications with it's dependencies (the ones in my device) before I flash it, so I don't need to find a way with OVI.........

for example: if you type in terminal:

sudo apt-get remove panorama

panorama and all it's dependencies will be removed

I want a way like this:

sudo apt-get backup panorama

so that instead of removing it, it backs it up in a deb file including dependencies.

pusak gaoq 2011-10-06 19:34

Re: extract deb file from n900
install backupmenu.... :D

abuakram 2011-10-06 19:38

Re: extract deb file from n900

Originally Posted by pusak gaoq (Post 1104326)
install backupmenu.... :D

that's for the whole system, right? not for a single app.

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