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zurrain101 2011-10-12 02:51

n900 fn+sym popping keyboard NOT POPPING on screen
hey im having this problem the fn+sym popping keyboard for symbols. i had keyboard moddern installed but never used it so the popping keyboard used to come normally. but then i edited one symbol from keyboard modder and changed it to some other n after that keyboard doesnt come. i have press fn+sym a lot of times but no keyboard popping.if i press fn+sym a lot of times then conversation lcoses sayong internal error conversation closed. please help me thanks

zurrain101 2011-10-12 13:47

Re: n900 fn+sym popping keyboard NOT POPPING on screen

demolition 2011-10-12 14:15

Re: n900 fn+sym popping keyboard NOT POPPING on screen
Does a double-press of Fn work? I mean does that little yellow banner pop up, saying "Fn is locked"? If you can achieve Fn Lock, you should be able to access the symbols...

zurrain101 2011-10-12 18:02

Re: n900 fn+sym popping keyboard NOT POPPING on screen
no im not talking about the symbols on the screen. im talking about the onscreen keyboard for eextra symbols like % and <> and yes fn locked i can achieve but the keyboard doesnt pop out

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