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PeteMo 2011-10-13 16:20

IM Availability Missing in Contacts App
My contacts IM availability no longer shows up in the Contacts application - there is no green dot for users I know to be online.

Availability show correctly in Conversations if I open a saved chat.

Availability also shows correctly in Pidgin.

I am running current CSSU: 20.2010.36-2maemo16.8. Is anyone else seeing this behavior or have any troubleshooting ideas?


alephito 2011-10-13 17:49

Re: IM Availability Missing in Contacts App
We are several users with the same problem. N900 and N8X0 owners.

linuxnoob 2011-10-13 19:02

Re: IM Availability Missing in Contacts App
oh did u installed kernel 49 or files for 720p videos? same happened to me when I installed it.
let me know if u find any solution.
thank you

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