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Cue 2011-10-14 14:20

N900 as IP camera (apache/gstmjpg)
Is there a way of viewing the N900 camera remotely?

I searched and found this for older OS but found nothing for Fremantle. unfortunately I'm not skilled enough to use the information and do the same on the N900.

Some advice would be greatly appreciated

niloy 2011-10-14 16:20

Re: N900 as IP camera (apache/gstmjpg)
yes there is, install "smartcam"

Cue 2011-10-14 17:34

Re: N900 as IP camera (apache/gstmjpg)

Originally Posted by niloy (Post 1108769)
yes there is, install "smartcam"

Thanks niloy it's a great app I wasn't aware of. One thing does bug me about it though, you have to put the address of the computer you want to view from rather than the address of the phone. That means I have to be at the "remote" location of the phone which kind of defeats its purpose for me. Is there a way of accepting all password protected connections from the client side?

niloy 2011-10-14 18:15

Re: N900 as IP camera (apache/gstmjpg)
Theres another application called "phonestream". I havent used it
personally but maybe it would help you.

Joseph.skb 2014-08-20 13:03

Re: N900 as IP camera (apache/gstmjpg)

Originally Posted by niloy (Post 1108769)
yes there is, install "smartcam"

Where can I find this smartcam? Can't seem to find it on downloads and/or through the N900 download catalogues.

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