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zoolkhan 2011-10-17 12:33

terminal/shell (n9)
Yes, its nice. But more than once i wished i could blend out the virtual keyboard to get real estate for the actual context.

is there a consumerfriendly trick to blend out the
keyboard temporarily? (fullscreen/nofullsceen doesnt seem to influence it)

if no

is there a consumer unfriendly/nerdy/any way to get rid of that virtual keyboard while it is not required to type?

thanks for your inspirations folks.


mdengler 2011-10-17 12:39

Re: terminal/shell (n9)
Just swipe down, starting and ending the swipe in the vkbd. Works for me on N950 beta2.

zoolkhan 2011-10-17 13:23

Re: terminal/shell (n9)

Originally Posted by mdengler (Post 1109937)
Just swipe down, starting and ending the swipe in the vkbd. Works for me on N950 beta2.

to be more specific: the swipe(or flick) has to start below the grey tool bar area on the virtual keyboard - only then it does work.

Once you know that, it is no problem at all.

Thank you. very much for the speedy answer!

recluse 2011-10-18 00:26

Re: terminal/shell (n9)
You can also pinch to zoom the content to decrease font size and get more content.

cube48 2011-10-19 14:43

Re: terminal/shell (n9)
I was surprised that the terminal is relatively usable even with the virtual keyboard. But what I'm really missing is some quicker way to switch the tool bar. Instead of going to the menu through transparent menu icon, it would be great to have another transparent icon for direct toolbar switching.

marxian 2011-10-19 15:04

Re: terminal/shell (n9)

Originally Posted by cube48 (Post 1110932)
I was surprised that the terminal is relatively usable even with the virtual keyboard. But what I'm really missing is some quicker way to switch the tool bar. Instead of going to the menu through transparent menu icon, it would be great to have another transparent icon for direct toolbar switching.

You can change the toolbar by swiping horizontally across the main area (not the keyboard).

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