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immi.shk 2011-10-24 15:42

Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
3 Attachment(s)
How about Porting maemo to other devices instead...
devices like Nexus Prime & Galaxy Note... it would be really great coz it would allow employing both maemo & these devices to different level..

Attachment 23198

Attachment 23199

Attachment 23206


Meego on Nexus One


Nexus S receives MeeGo and Ubuntu ports

Install MeeGo on Nexus One, HTC Desire, and Dell Streak

P.s - its ok if we cant get all the things working... just maemo with microB & Easy debian & cutetube(if possible) would be enough... every other perk form maemo would be a bonus.. :)

m4r0v3r 2011-10-24 15:49

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
no keyboard no sale, and there are a few closed things, your better off trying to port meego which am sure someone has already done to the nexus, although very slowly and then whack on cordia

immi.shk 2011-10-24 16:03

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1112907)
your better off trying to port meego which am sure someone has already done to the nexus

Thanks for your Guidance...
i found posts reguarding meego & Ubuntu port on Nexus & Dell Streak UPDATED on first post

so its not impossible

Kangal 2011-10-25 03:24

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
Its been tried and failed.

I tried to 2 years ago with the Mer Project and a HTC Touch Pro.

buurmas 2011-10-25 03:38

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
Actually, I would steer you to Mer. Mer just got rebooted a month or so ago as the future of community-driven MeeGo Core. The Cordia UI is based on Mer. The KDE folks' Plasma Active user interface may run off Mer. I know Mer has had a disappointing history with its past incarnations, but it seems to have a burst of momentum now and the promise of taking the best of what came from MeeGo and running with it in a fully open, community-driven way.

If nothing else, consider talking to Stskeeps about your plans, and he can tell you what pain & suffering lies on a path like this. :)

kingoddball 2011-10-27 05:14

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
I've had a Maemo chroot running on a Galaxy S2 (any Droid device will work) but I could not get it to be fully functional.

It wouldn't install any applications (HAM) and I have no drivers for the hardware.

I tried to set up a VNC server/client but yeah... No video drivers and whatnot.

Also... Could be illegal.

kingoddball 2011-10-27 05:15

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead

demolition 2011-10-27 22:56

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
I seem to remeber Qole making a comment like "if android would run xserver I'd be over it like peanut butter" - or similar. Not sure how his progress compares with yours. Might be easier to take device with drivers installed, see how they'd link into Mer then slap hildon on top. Good luck - we all look forward to hearing how you get on...

lma 2011-10-28 00:54

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
Funny you should mention that, over at another place he's threatening to build a maemo chroot for webos :-)

patlak 2011-10-28 01:09

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
That photo of the Note just proves how dumb Nokia was to dump Maemo 5 and focus on a completely new UI. Even though, Harmattan is close to perfection when it comes to simplicity, Nokia screwed up of not pumping out competitive devices running M5. There would not have been any WP7 deal now, or any WP7 device if M5 reached mass market. I guess a MS deal was a long time in the making.

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