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daperl 2011-10-31 02:55

Shuttleworth: Ubuntu is heading to phones and tablets
It's about time:


It seems likely that the Qt-based Unity 2D experience will serve as the mobile implementation. The Qt Quick user interface design framework is well-suited for building touch-friendly mobile experiences.

buurmas 2011-10-31 04:12

Re: Shuttleworth: Ubuntu is heading to phones and tablets
That's a win for Qt! I'm excited about this. Ubuntu's huge app catalog makes this very attractive. Of course, I'd rather have apps developed for touch than apps developed for the traditional kbd & mouse setup... BUT I'd still rather have a traditional app for a particular need than no app at all!

lma 2011-10-31 04:31

Re: Shuttleworth: Ubuntu is heading to phones and tablets
Well, they've been trying to do "mobile" since forever (see eg here). I'll believe it when I see it.

gerbick 2011-10-31 05:16

Re: Shuttleworth: Ubuntu is heading to phones and tablets
So it's a go for them... again? Let's see if they pull this one off finally.

If they do, this could be a great thing.

Joseph9560 2011-10-31 05:34

Re: Shuttleworth: Ubuntu is heading to phones and tablets

Originally Posted by buurmas (Post 1116212)
That's a win for Qt! I'm excited about this. Ubuntu's huge app catalog makes this very attractive. Of course, I'd rather have apps developed for touch than apps developed for the traditional kbd & mouse setup... BUT I'd still rather have a traditional app for a particular need than no app at all!

Didn't debian has a huge catelog????? How much of those were ported to maemos?

demolition 2011-10-31 05:57

Re: Shuttleworth: Ubuntu is heading to phones and tablets

Originally Posted by Joseph9560 (Post 1116228)
Didn't debian has a huge catelog????? How much of those were ported to maemos?

Anything in the Lenny catalogue, which is in the "armel" list runs in EasyDebian on the N900. These don't "need" to be ported to get them to work. To run in Maemo, software needs often needs a UI tweak (rewrite!).

A proper Ubuntu mobile device would be interesting indeed. I wonder how open eiher the drivers or UI would be? The bits already are,, thankfully. Perhaps this could be N900 mk.2 ?

Joseph9560 2011-10-31 06:30

Re: Shuttleworth: Ubuntu is heading to phones and tablets

Originally Posted by demolition (Post 1116230)
Anything in the Lenny catalogue, which is in the "armel" list runs in EasyDebian on the N900. These don't "need" to be ported to get them to work. To run in Maemo, software needs often needs a UI tweak (rewrite!).

A proper Ubuntu mobile device would be interesting indeed. I wonder how open eiher the drivers or UI would be? The bits already are,, thankfully. Perhaps this could be N900 mk.2 ?

That way even applications ment for ubuntu armel apps would also run in maemo 5 under easy ubuntu. So why do we need that new os?

A bit of overclocking and simple (as well as complex) apps do run under the those chroots but would ubuntu mobile required chrooting ubuntu pc as well or would those apps ment for armel run without any modification (ui might be crappy, I don't care)?

While I am no expert at those things I don't think those apps will run out of the box.

About openness, if I am not wrong, pc ubuntu has number of closed sourced things. I am not sure if ui is closed in pc version. If ui is open in pc version I would expect the same with mobile as well. And about those drivers, probably it is more upto the hardware vendors as usual.

Kangal 2011-10-31 09:23

Re: Shuttleworth: Ubuntu is heading to phones and tablets
While Ubuntu wants go mobile (again), they should also port Dalvik, cure cancer and bring world peace.

Can I add in a '11 Porsche 911 Turbo S for me in that list?

bergie 2011-10-31 09:41

Re: Shuttleworth: Ubuntu is heading to phones and tablets

Originally Posted by buurmas (Post 1116212)
That's a win for Qt! I'm excited about this. Ubuntu's huge app catalog makes this very attractive. Of course, I'd rather have apps developed for touch than apps developed for the traditional kbd & mouse setup... BUT I'd still rather have a traditional app for a particular need than no app at all!

Quite a lot of the new GNOME and KDE stuff is striving for touch-friendliness. So at some point "regular Linux apps" might work OK on a mobile device.

pelago 2011-11-02 16:56

Re: Shuttleworth: Ubuntu is heading to phones and tablets
For interest, here is Shuttleworth's blog post about this. . Personally I think this could be interesting, although I notice that haven't announced any mobile hardware partners yet.

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