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daniel_m 2011-10-31 11:54

Which ini file to edit to predefine alarm times in calendar?
Some time ago I found instructions on which configuration file to edit to change and even add times that one can choose in the calendar before an alarm goes off. But I forgot which one it is and I seem to be too stupid to find this information by searching on and google :(
Help is highly appreciated :)

nicolai 2011-10-31 12:34

Re: Set different times before alarm in calendar by editing ini file


daniel_m 2011-11-01 14:51

Re: Set different times before alarm in calendar by editing ini file
Thanks, but with that ini I can only edit alarms directly. I want to change the list of times that one can chose when creating an alarm. Standard values are 15 minutes, 1 hour, ...

mautz001 2011-11-02 21:38

Re: Which ini file to edit to predefine alarm times in calendar?
yeah would be great! and more then ONE alarm would be the greatest (like in android)

daniel_m 2011-12-01 13:24

Re: Which ini file to edit to predefine alarm times in calendar?
Seems to be a toughy ... or I got it all wrong and just imagined that I modified alarm times in a wet dream :D
Well, here are the times I can set for an alarm to go off before an event starts:
0 minutes, 5 minutes,15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, day before

Are these just the default times or did I really add something here?

abuelmagd 2011-12-01 14:04

Re: Which ini file to edit to predefine alarm times in calendar?
3 hours and 1 day before an event are not things i can do or am i missing something? maybe it wasn't a dream after all.

jaromrax 2011-12-01 15:58

Re: Which ini file to edit to predefine alarm times in calendar?
With 'Calendar Home Widget' I was able to start with week view. Nothing more useful I am able to dig out about the calendar. I am unhappy with the alarm going up through the lockscreen inside my pocket, which causes unwanted random edits... This is not a hijack, some powerfull option edit would be very useful.

pelago 2011-12-01 16:30

Re: Which ini file to edit to predefine alarm times in calendar?

Originally Posted by abuelmagd (Post 1131605)
3 hours and 1 day before an event are not things i can do or am i missing something? maybe it wasn't a dream after all.

Are you setting an event far enough into the future? The UI will hide alarm times that it is too late to do. I'm guessing you're editing an event less than three hours in the future.

reinob 2011-12-02 09:09

Re: Which ini file to edit to predefine alarm times in calendar?

Originally Posted by daniel_m (Post 1131590)
Seems to be a toughy ... or I got it all wrong and just imagined that I modified alarm times in a wet dream :D
Well, here are the times I can set for an alarm to go off before an event starts:
0 minutes, 5 minutes,15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, day before

Are these just the default times or did I really add something here?

That's the default. (Keeping in mind @pelago's note. It also puzzled me initially :)

reinob 2011-12-02 09:11

Re: Which ini file to edit to predefine alarm times in calendar?

Originally Posted by jaromrax (Post 1131643)
With 'Calendar Home Widget' I was able to start with week view. Nothing more useful I am able to dig out about the calendar. I am unhappy with the alarm going up through the lockscreen inside my pocket, which causes unwanted random edits... This is not a hijack, some powerfull option edit would be very useful.

Sure it's a hijack. If you want something else than what the OP wanted please open a new thread for that.

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