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elie-7 2011-11-05 11:26

(POLL) what's you next phone after the n900
yes i know its been a great ride with this phone, but lets face it we have to move on, its hardware is getting a bit old, now many of us have already changed their phones, many if us moved to meego and some to android, the n900 is one hell of a device but even for a loyal user like me its time to change, i;m selling the device this week end for 200 $ and getting the samsung galaxy s2 next weekend :D so whats you next device after the n900 or what phone dud u get after the n900 ?

48GX 2011-11-05 11:36

Re: (POLL) what's you next phone after the n900

what means getting old?

is it getting old because you see other phones with better specs in the market or because it is going more and more slow?????

my next phone after the n900 that I have is another NIB n900.

"n900 is getting older" threads are boring :)


afaq 2011-11-05 11:37

Re: (POLL) what's you next phone after the n900
N9 black 64GB.

It isnt the N900 (obv) and is a average substitute.

Dont get the S2, wait for the Nexus or get the Note.

cloudstrife1ph 2011-11-05 12:19

Re: (POLL) what's you next phone after the n900
possible options:

* waiting for an ICS phone with slide out keyboard. better design than mt4g slide and not moto

* mt4g if i can't wait

* sharp aquos 007sh or samsung sch-w999

* sharp 7218u or 7228u

peterleinchen 2011-11-05 12:26

Re: (POLL) what's you next phone after the n900
What do You expect from this new thread?
Some totally different result?

The N900 is old, but (overclocked) not yet at its end. Some newer phones may have better specs, but certainly no better possibilities !

The only successor to the N900 may be a N950, but ...

Wasmachinemann-NL 2011-11-05 12:31

Re: (POLL) what's you next phone after the n900
Im getting via school a phone for a social networking project, Its a HTC Wildfire S, N900 still will be my backup phone.

liao22 2011-11-05 13:00

Re: (POLL) what's you next phone after the n900
xpphone x2 or samsung galaxy s3

Copernicus 2011-11-05 13:00

Re: (POLL) what's you next phone after the n900

Originally Posted by elie-7 (Post 1118664)
lets face it we have to move on

Really? Why?

Yes, someday I will get a new phone. But not now. My previous phone was an iPhone (first generation); I used it until its battery began to die. It lasted me a good, oh, four years I think. Probably would have been longer if it had a replaceable battery.

I have enjoyed my N900 far more than I ever did my iPhone, and I've only had it for about a year now. I see no need to plunk down hundreds of dollars on some piece of incrementally faster hardware. Moreover, looking at the options available, it seems to me that the smartphone market is imploding -- there is, today, pretty much nothing but the iPhone and a whole pile of wannabe iPhones (even the N9 has succumbed to the iPhone clone sickness). Why would I want to switch?

Nah, I'll hang on to my N900 until it actually begins to fall apart. If nothing like it has appeared by then (hopefully some years into the future), I'll just find another used N900 to replace it.

HELLASISGREECE 2011-11-05 13:14

Re: (POLL) what's you next phone after the n900
In a perfect world it would have been the N950.

I'm going for the N9.

roundyz 2011-11-05 13:18

Re: (POLL) what's you next phone after the n900
Samsung galaxy note

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