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onasre 2011-11-05 22:47

play video while screen is off

how to disable video preview on screen while playin video , , sometime i stream my video clips to my car thru FM TR , but the battery ends too soon . i thought if there way to disable video preview on the screen that would save some power . it going be like just an audio file but its video. there was a script to record video while no image shown on the screen i believe the script was called pycam , So it could be done to playing video while screen is dim, now if i simple switch screen off while video is playing then the video will stop >

nicolai 2011-11-05 23:14

Re: play video while screen is off
a first try:

gst-launch-0.10 playbin2 flags=0x02 uri=file:///home/user/MyDocs/VIDEOFILE

uri is the url to your videofile
flags=0x02 means only audio is played

maybe someone else can pack this in a nice python script.


onasre 2011-11-05 23:41

Re: play video while screen is off
thank you nicolai , worked Great , but am no developer nor script writer .. wish there is way to make shortcut on desktop to enable/disable.

thank you anyway

Temporal 2011-11-06 00:17

Re: play video while screen is off
You could use SiB/Kmplayer/etc that will keep playing the file even after screen going of, but the video will still be processed (but the screen won't use any energy - that's how I see/listen most of my podcasts in video form).

jakiman 2011-11-06 00:47

Re: play video while screen is off
Yeah. Install mplayer and SIB for video playback even when screen is off.
mplayer also gives you some really handy hw keyboard controls.

onasre 2011-11-06 14:13

Re: play video while screen is off
Thx Ya All , going try mplayer and SIB

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