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HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-13 01:57

New to the N810
I recently purchased a n810 and new to the maemo software. I guess what I'm asking is what should I do, or is suggested when I start working with it? Thanks :)

buurmas 2011-11-13 02:06

Re: New to the N810
Are you asking what the good apps are? Or what the good hacking opportunities are? :)

Check out my signature for some of my favorite apps.

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-13 02:08

Re: New to the N810
Either or, I love hacking new stuff.

buurmas 2011-11-13 02:09

Re: New to the N810
Also, some top community mods:
* Community SSU
* Diablo5 theme
* Diablo Turbo updates
* Advanced System UI
* Telescope task switcher
* Clone OS to SD card + dual boot

buurmas 2011-11-13 02:13

Re: New to the N810
For apps, the "Downloads" section of this website has the ability to sort by popularity:

and freshness:

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-13 02:45

Re: New to the N810
Thanks, I guess a question would be where can I learn the step to hacking it?

buurmas 2011-11-13 04:04

Re: New to the N810

Originally Posted by HiTideBlastoise (Post 1122715)
Thanks, I guess a question would be where can I learn the step to hacking it?

Do you mean this?

Then you can have your way with your N810 in the command line.

If you're looking for ideas, you can poke around this forum (particularly the OS2008, N810, and N800 subforums) for ideas or run searches on the projects I mentioned.

Otherwise, if you have more specific questions, feel free to ask, but for me at least you're going to have to be more specific. :)

auouymous 2011-11-13 05:30

Re: New to the N810 -- There's a list of some important threads, at least for me. :)

jacekjacek 2011-11-13 16:58

Re: New to the N810

buurmas 2011-11-14 00:55

Re: New to the N810

Originally Posted by jacekjacek (Post 1122963)

I have never used these repositories. Am I missing any great app? I have mostly used the Application Manager & the Downloads section of this website, which occasionally installs repositories as needed when I install an app.

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