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conny 2011-11-13 17:11

Conboy for N9(50) - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
1 Attachment(s)
Hi All,

I've attached the first alpha version of Conboy for MeeGo Harmattan. It should run on the Nokia N9 and N950.

It's probably full of bugs and missing features. Still, feedback and contributions are very welcome.

There is currently still no sync or import. Instead you have to copy your Tomboy (or Conboy) notes into /home/user/.conboy/

Have fun!

noetus 2011-12-17 13:39

Re: Conboy for N9(50) - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Is sync coming? Sync in general is still very poorly supported on the N9 - for general data (as opposed to emails and calendars) there simply isn't any way of doing it yet.

conny 2011-12-17 13:47

Re: Conboy for N9(50) - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by noetus (Post 1138723)
Is sync coming? Sync in general is still very poorly supported on the N9 - for general data (as opposed to emails and calendars) there simply isn't any way of doing it yet.

Yes, sync is planned, but first the basics need to work properly. Currently I'm working on a Beta that should go into Nokia Store for more testing.

youmeego 2011-12-17 14:38

Re: Conboy for N9(50) - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
why don't you upload some screenshots to give us a better idea of your app?

conny 2011-12-17 15:07

Re: Conboy for N9(50) - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by youmeego (Post 1138742)
why don't you upload some screenshots to give us a better idea of your app?

Because I'm busy coding ;) How about someone else uploads some screenshots?

Also to get a general idea hava a look at that page which describes the Maemo5 version.

noetus 2011-12-17 20:33

Re: Conboy for N9(50) - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by conny (Post 1138747)
Because I'm busy coding ;) How about someone else uploads some screenshots?

Happy to oblige :)

Here's what it looks like when you fire it up:

Works in landscape too:

Press the little '+' at bottom left to start entering a note:

The tabs at the top left get you the bullets. The 'T' to the right gets you some font choices:

Note the little issue here, at least using the Swype keyboard, of there not being quite enough room, so the bottom gets cut off a bit. You can pull that font menu up though to increase the hit area for the bottom buttons.

I am not sure what the button on the top extreme right ('ab') is for; pressing it revealed that it can be set on or off, but I don't know what the effect is (it wasn't immediately apparent).

I also noticed a slight flakiness in getting the keyboard to display; sometimes I had to move the cursor around a bit to get it to come up. Also in the 10 minutes I used the application it crashed and quit on me once. This is an alpha release though, so I expect these glitches will get fixed.

In this edit screen if you get the keyboard out of the way it reveals the menu button at the bottom right; pressing this gets you:

What sharing options will there be when this is finished?

Back at the main screen, the menu button on the bottom right gets you this list of options:

I'd be interested to know what we'll see under 'Settings' and how 'Synchronization' works.

Finally, I tried the search option, but while searching in note titles gets you results, apparently searching within notes is not (yet) supported:

Will this feature be coming?

All in all, I'd say this is looking really, really promising. Simple, slick, straightforward, with the functionality you need, and consistent with the overall UI paradigms of the N9/Harmattan. Wish all apps could be like this!

conny 2011-12-18 14:34

Re: Conboy for N9(50) - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by noetus (Post 1138834)
Happy to oblige :)

Thanks man, that's the sprit :)
I'm trying to anwer you questions. Hope I won't forget anything.


Originally Posted by noetus (Post 1138834)
Note the little issue here, at least using the Swype keyboard, of there not being quite enough room, so the bottom gets cut off a bit. You can pull that font menu up though to increase the hit area for the bottom buttons.

Thanks, I didn't notice this because I usually don't use Swype. I see what I can do.


Originally Posted by noetus (Post 1138834)
I am not sure what the button on the top extreme right ('ab') is for; pressing it revealed that it can be set on or off, but I don't know what the effect is (it wasn't immediately apparent).

If you push that button you're locking the panning which makes text selection easier.


Originally Posted by noetus (Post 1138834)
I also noticed a slight flakiness in getting the keyboard to display; sometimes I had to move the cursor around a bit to get it to come up. Also in the 10 minutes I used the application it crashed and quit on me once. This is an alpha release though, so I expect these glitches will get fixed.

Crashes are to be expected currently. The keyboard thing is on my list, but it won't be an easy fix (because it's not really my fault).


Originally Posted by noetus (Post 1138834)
What sharing options will there be when this is finished?

I hope to have sharing as HTML or PDF. But first tests showed that it's not as simple as I though. Might take some time.


Originally Posted by noetus (Post 1138834)
I'd be interested to know what we'll see under 'Settings' and how 'Synchronization' works.

Synchronization is planned against "Ubuntu One" and "Snowy". You can get an Ubuntu One for free and Snowy is open source software that you can host yourself. Settings will then contain things like the sync URL.


Originally Posted by noetus (Post 1138834)
Finally, I tried the search option, but while searching in note titles gets you results, apparently searching within notes is not (yet) supported:

Right, I'll put fulltext search on my list.


Originally Posted by noetus (Post 1138834)
All in all, I'd say this is looking really, really promising. Simple, slick, straightforward, with the functionality you need, and consistent with the overall UI paradigms of the N9/Harmattan. Wish all apps could be like this!

Thanks for the review :) Also I'm always open for contributions if someone is interessted.

conny 2011-12-18 15:08

Re: Conboy for N9(50) - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
1 Attachment(s)
I've just compiled a new version. Major new feature in this version is note linking. You can create a link by selecting text and then pressing the button in the middle of the top bar. Also while you type it will automatically create links to already existing notes.

  • No longer applies text styles to bullets
  • Close text style menu after selecting a style
  • Fixed bug that causes some notes to be loaded with wrong format
  • Implemented manual linking of notes
  • Implemented automatic linking of notes (wiki style)

Don't hesitate to give feedback. My current TODO list can be found here:

tplastic 2011-12-19 09:26

Re: Conboy for N9(50) - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Thanks for this excellent app! Have been using it since N900.

I'd however like to bring up a major bug that makes the application almost useless in horizontal orientation. When the text length increases, the active row with cursor falls behind the virtual keyboard (normal vkb, not swype). When you scroll the visible area down so that you can see the active row and start to write again, it falls behind the vkb again. For this reason you actually have to write 'blind' all the time.

So the automatic scrolling needs some refinement.

A copy/paste function would also be VERY useful. Maybe this is coming with PR1.2 where universal copy/paste will be implemented?

conny 2011-12-19 09:37

Re: Conboy for N9(50) - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Thanks for the bug report. You're right it's not working correctly in landscape mode. I've only tried landscape mode using the hardware keyboard. I'll do some more testing with the VKB and try to come up with a solution.

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