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Jouid27 2011-11-15 11:09

IOS vs. Android all looking at Meego
Im woundering how did apple started big with so many devs, as well as android too, yet Meego started with so little, because the more i search about Meego the more i found loose ends. I have iphone because im glad with the number apps and how well it is spread between ppl and im sharing with ppl new ways of customizing the iphone and such,,, but when I heard about N9 it was like a wake up call from the best Nokia, but still when i say Meego to the ppl around me they say "huh?!" but when i say "Ios" or "android" ppl start have opinions, facts, some have websites dedicated for what they are holding. But i think Maybe its a chance to seez? :) Anyway i hope the best for Meego because i really like Nokia.

slai 2011-11-15 11:12

Re: IOS vs. Android all looking at Meego
I wouldnt hope for meego, since theyre not making more phones with it. Hope the best for N9 instead.

Or even better, hope the best for WP8. I sure am.

Brock 2011-11-15 11:28

Re: IOS vs. Android all looking at Meego
or hope for tizen ;)

meego is a dead end, maybe (with the help of samsung and maybe others) tizen could have a chance, but that will be hard...

and regarding wp8: wp7 sux, its missing a lot of base functions phones/smartphones have since a long time ("add number to adressbook" function or sending files via bluetooth) and i dont believe that wp8 will be better... look at win8 beta, wp8 will be something similar imo.

slai 2011-11-15 11:36

Re: IOS vs. Android all looking at Meego
Not really hoping for tizen, its not something I care about personally.

I do believe wp8 will be better, since first of all nokia is in play when it comes to wp8. In addition, HW might not be as rigid as it is with WP7, IE dualcore processors, memory cards, NFC, you name it. In addition, Ive heard great things about win8, not that that has too much to do with WP8, though.

WP7.5 is allright from reviews Ive read and what Ive heard from people who use it.

Sending files via bluetooth isnt something i personally ever ever have even considered being useful. Thats me though, I dont know if you use that alot. I generally just send an email with an attatchment to someone if I want to get them a file.

Add number to adressbook i have no idea about, i assume an adressbook is available and that you can add numbers to it. Especially in WP8.

jer006 2011-11-15 16:15

Re: IOS vs. Android all looking at Meego
With WP its MS thats behind the OS - this is not necessarily a bad thing from my point of view but it means things will generally be locked up tight i.e. no direct USB copy, lack of customizations, SD card issues, unlock issues (although chevron may solve this as MS appear to be working with the hackers), etc...

The one good thing that I do see about wp is that there should be little to no fragmentation on the platform unlike android. Although still not a fan of the tile UI

wmarone 2011-11-16 05:11

Re: IOS vs. Android all looking at Meego

It depends on what you're after. Certainly, I'm here because of the N900 and what it brought to the table in terms of giving me control, and with Mer/Nemo, it's closer to perfect than anything else. WP* and the move to MS is the antithesis of this, unfortunately (moreso than Apple.)


Originally Posted by jer006 (Post 1123967)
unlock issues (although chevron may solve this as MS appear to be working with the hackers)

MS gets too much credit for this, IMO. ChevronWP7 is the equivalent of paying $9 to activate the ability to check the "Unknown sources" option in Android.

hotnikkelz 2011-11-16 15:12

Re: IOS vs. Android all looking at Meego
WP and iOS are for the simple man

Meego and Android are for powerusers

It's as simple as that really. Which are you?

Jouid27 2011-11-17 13:59

Re: IOS vs. Android all looking at Meego
I browsed the net and found that Meego project is abanded from Linux foundation and Nokia!? And a new project is taking place which is Tizen... And Nokia says wont support porting Tizen to N9 while they will support the device parts and software updates for at least until 2015, yet Linux foundation says will port Tizen for Meego devices,,,, and Tizen will launch on first Qt 2012, hopefully N9 will work on Tizen software.

slai 2011-11-17 14:32

Re: IOS vs. Android all looking at Meego
And N9 isnt meego as in the intel/nokia collaboration, its more like maemo6 renamed Meego to avoid confusion.

Meego isnt Meego Harmattan and vice versa.

At least thats how I understand it.

So theres that :< .

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