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Bartcore3 2011-11-20 09:06

Run a minecraft server on 'the beast'
i was kinda wondering.. could i set up a minecraft server in maemo.. not client. Just x-terminal..

To try it yourself:
  • install icedtea6
  • "It's dangerous to go alone. Download this.
  • extraxt all the files from
  • make a new folder /home/user/minecraft
  • move the jar-file and the entire world-folder to the folder you just made
  • move to /home/user

I added a world because it can take quite a while te render a new one.. Sometimes it even takes a couple of times before it finishes.

To run it:
i don't know if this helps a lot but turn of bluetooth and your network connection (not WLAN)
  • open xterminal
  • type "

    ". Look for your ip adress where it says

    inet adress 192.168.1.xx
  • type

    sudo gainroot
  • type


Minecraft should begin to load.

open a minecraft client and add the IP you looked for earlier.

If you can't connect to the server because you didn't bought minecraft:
  • stop the server by typing

  • open server.proporties with leafpad or any other text editor.
  • change online-mode=true to false
    (i suggest disabling other options like allow-nether, spawn-monsters and spaawn-animals)
  • start the server again by runnin the script

i think i said everything there is to say..
Ask questions if you have any, i'll be glad to answer them.

please realise that this is a WIP.
And if you tried it, tell me what you experienced, good or bad.
Feedback is important!

Wreck 2011-11-20 19:37

Re: Run a minecraft server on 'the beast'
If you install IcedTea on the N900 you can already run the official minecraft server software.
But you really need a way better phone to run a proper server. I doubt the n900 could even render the map fully. (Even with a modified server)

Edit: Opencraft is a worldeditor?

Bartcore3 2011-11-20 23:07

Re: Run a minecraft server on 'the beast'
where can i find hat icedtea?
i'dd like to test it :)

and i don't really know what opencraft is.. they're not very clear with their explenations and i don't get it to run so..
i think it is a server and/or mapeditor

Bartcore3 2011-11-21 18:52

Re: Run a minecraft server on 'the beast'
Well i have some good and some bad news.

Like Wreck sugested, i installed icedtea.

the good news:
I was able to get the jar running.
It was generating a random world :D

But here is where the bad news comes in.
It didn't completely finish. :(
It stopped at about 8%. I think because we got to little RAM (damn you nokia!)

But i was so exited i directly ran craftbukkit.
I'm now looking for a lightweight server.

I'll report back soon! :cool:

ps: someone interessted in the error logfiles?

Mentalist Traceur 2011-11-21 19:03

Re: Run a minecraft server on 'the beast'
My Windows Vista machine with 3GB RAM lags and regularly crashes Minecraft if I play it with maximum rendering distance in the video settings.

N900 might be insanely powerful for a phone, but I highly doubt it'll be able to store all the data needed to run a Minecraft server for even one player, let alone multiple.

Bartcore3 2011-11-21 19:10

Re: Run a minecraft server on 'the beast'

Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur (Post 1126990)
My Windows Vista machine with 3GB RAM lags and regularly crashes Minecraft if I play it with maximum rendering distance in the video settings.

N900 might be insanely powerful for a phone, but I highly doubt it'll be able to store all the data needed to run a Minecraft server for even one player, let alone multiple.

i got a server running on ubuntu with only 1GB RAM.
It's still smooth with 6 players! I think it could have been even more but i got the worst network card ever.

so i think it's worth the try.. :)

Bartcore3 2011-11-21 19:44

Re: Run a minecraft server on 'the beast'
Crashed after 65%.. just a little more :p

Bartcore3 2011-11-21 20:07

Re: Run a minecraft server on 'the beast'
81%... so...close...must...reach...

Bartcore3 2011-11-21 21:15

Re: Run a minecraft server on 'the beast'

Playing minecraft on my portable N900 server :p so now i need to work a little on the speed and performance and stuff..

zdanee 2011-11-21 23:01

Re: Run a minecraft server on 'the beast'
IMHO Minecraft as a game should be playable on an i486, it is just horribly unoptimized. An average Minecraft map is 128x128x128 that is 2MB uncompressed, I think Duke Nukem had bigger map sizes.

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