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logiotek 2011-11-20 14:40

Nokia N9: Drive app never loads, Maps app working fine, Any ideas?
I was able to use Drive application a few times since I got my N9. Yesterday I discovered that Drive application stopped working, it just sits on the loading screen forever. Maps application is working fine. I tried rebooting many times. I deleted all maps and redownloaded them. I even manually deleted cities folder in home/user/MyDocs. Nothing fixed the Drive application. I finally flashed to PR1.1 and STILL Drive application is not loading. Do I have to flash eMMC image to fix it? Has anyone experienced this problem before?

gerbick 2011-11-20 14:47

Re: Nokia N9: Drive app never loads, Maps app working fine, Any ideas?
Been there myself. Switch your language from English-US to English-GB, it'll reboot and Drive will then work. Then enter the app and download the corresponding navigation voice that you want to use - I'm using English US male.

Switch your settings back to English US and reboot and you should be fine.

logiotek 2011-11-20 14:51

Re: Nokia N9: Drive app never loads, Maps app working fine, Any ideas?

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1126384)
Been there myself. Switch your language from English-US to English-GB, it'll reboot and Drive will then work. Then enter the app and download the corresponding navigation voice that you want to use - I'm using English US male.

Switch your settings back to English US and reboot and you should be fine.

Thanks a bunch!

Schturman 2011-11-26 22:37

Re: Nokia N9: Drive app never loads, Maps app working fine, Any ideas?
I have a little different problem.. When I press Nokia Drive icon, I get black screen with Icon and it's crash after 2 second.. I can't open this app at all..
I reinstalled this by apt-get install --reinstall nokia-drive-qml and rebooted but I steel can't open this app..
I changed language from UK to US, same result...
What can I do ?

Schturman 2011-11-27 02:59

Re: Nokia N9: Drive app never loads, Maps app working fine, Any ideas?
For me problem solved by resetting phone.. But it's kill all my data :D

darthservo 2012-04-09 17:53

Re: Nokia N9: Drive app never loads, Maps app working fine, Any ideas?
Had the same problem with N9 that I purchased about a month ago - Drive would just sit on the splash screen (icon and refresh symbol) and nothing would happen.

During the initial phone set up, I had changed the N9 to EN-US options for all language/regional options and text input.

I wasn't took keen on reformatting my device, since it was only a month old.

My issue appeared to be that the phone needs to have the EN-UK text input library installed and active for Drive's first launch. After setting the text input options (not language) to EN-UK and as active method, Drive could then launch successfully. I was then able to change the text input back to EN-US and still use Drive.

Just figured this might help someone else with similar problems and also avoiding a reformat.

Zelig 2013-01-04 01:47

Re: Nokia N9: Drive app never loads, Maps app working fine, Any ideas?
just realised - if Drive app hangs at splash-screen just press lock/unlock button 2 times to lock and unlock screen, and the app is up :)

soryuuha 2013-01-04 07:10

Re: Nokia N9: Drive app never loads, Maps app working fine, Any ideas?
for.person who.have stuck-at-splash screen problem, u can as above or just swipe-minimize it , u will see it active immediately.

reinstall drive app wont help ...not sure how to fix this

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