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joerg_rw 2011-11-20 21:11

LED Patterns - make charge indication permanent
On user request:

Make the LED Patterns for "battery charging" (default: amber flashing) and "battery full" (default: steady green)
also show when screen on:

# replace the ScreenOn class
# "4 only show pattern if the display is off, or if in acting dead"
# by "5 always show pattern, even if LED disabled"

cd /etc/mce
cp mce.ini mce.ini_backup
sed -i 's/PatternBatteryCharging=50;4/PatternBatteryCharging=50;5/; s/PatternBatteryFull=40;4/PatternBatteryFull=40;5/' mce.ini

For the change to take effect you'll need either a reboot, or
#> stop mce; start mce


pali 2011-11-20 22:01

Re: LED Patterns - make charge indication permanent
This is very usefull change. What about include it into CSSU?

joerg_rw 2011-11-21 00:33

Re: LED Patterns - make charge indication permanent

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1126553)
This is very usefull change. What about include it into CSSU?

Would at very least need a proper settings GUI, and there's no reason why e.g. tweakr or LED-pattern-editor couldn't include it, so no justification for CSSU


blue_led 2011-11-23 17:15

Re: LED Patterns - make charge indication permanent

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1126539)
On user request:

Make the LED Patterns for "battery charging" (default: amber flashing) and "battery full" (default: steady green)
also show when screen on:

sometimes, flashing led in dim light or watching movies, is annoying.
a quick look at status area solve the problem :D

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