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xxxxts 2011-11-27 19:33

Help!!! Hildon-Desktop Segmentation fault.
As soon as I boot my N900 everything merges into one and it becomes unresponsive. (Best way I can describe it). I was able to get to x-term and run as root "killall hildon-desktop" to find out that there is no process. Then I try to run hildon-desktop and it says Segmentation fault.

I can receive phone calls, but this is bad and I am on a trip right now - I don't know how this happened. Anyone know how to fix it? I am thinking remove hildon-desktop with apt-get and install it over???

edoiks 2011-11-28 10:58

Re: Help!!! Hildon-Desktop Segmentation fault.
If you killall hildon-desktop it restarted by a system, so you don't have to run it by yourself. Running it by yourself is making two hildon-desktop apps running in the same time and this is why you get segmentation fault.

puggan 2011-12-12 10:33

Re: Help!!! Hildon-Desktop Segmentation fault.
I managed to do it to, after installing the comunity update, evereting got merged, and i don't hava a window manager, sshd to the phone and noticed hildon-desktop was dead, running it manuly ends up saying "segmentation fault",

im planing on try to fetch my friends new phonenumber, and then reinstall/flash the phone, and try the comunity update again, witout installing other softwares between

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