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sivier 2011-11-28 13:32

N900 Date Issue
After removing my simcard, turning my phone on without it, then placing the simcard back in and turning on again, it reset the time & date.

I re-entered the correct settings, but now i look at the date and it is incorrect, i try to change this and select save but it does not save what i have entered.

I have attempted this with auto update on & off, with no luck.

Could someone please suggest why this is happening and hopefully a solution.

Many thanks.

panjgoori 2011-11-28 14:06

Re: N900 Date Issue

Originally Posted by sivier (Post 1130010)
After removing my simcard, turning my phone on without it, then placing the simcard back in and turning on again, it reset the time & date.

I re-entered the correct settings, but now i look at the date and it is incorrect, i try to change this and select save but it does not save what i have entered.

I have attempted this with auto update on & off, with no luck.

Could someone please suggest why this is happening and hopefully a solution.

Many thanks.

does this happens only when you reboot your device ?

sivier 2011-11-28 15:21

Re: N900 Date Issue
It has only ever happened this time, i have tried rebooting and no change.

panjgoori 2011-11-28 15:30

Re: N900 Date Issue
set ur phones date and give it a restart and check whether date will be changed or will remain the same which you have sat.

sivier 2011-11-28 16:45

Re: N900 Date Issue
Attempted that a few times and now it seems to be responding, it will save what i have changed it to. Maybe the app just jammed up who knows.

Thank you for your help mate, i appreciate it.

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