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singh01 2011-11-29 22:33

Blackberry Playbook is rooted
I am new to this forum but I have been reading for a few months and decided to register. I own a N95 and stilling deciding if I should get a N9 or N900 but that is for another time. I recently found the playbook is rooted :

Playbook is nice but there isn't little you can do on it right now. Since I have played with N900 of my friends and really liked it. I would like maemo on it but i don't think that is happening from what I have read and understand. I have a playbook, and since it is gonna be rooted what are the chances it getting project mer/meego. 2014-12-07 18:10

Re: Blackberry Playbook is rooted
got one recently ... does it worth to root it on latest OS ? if yes how ?
most of the resources went offline

tommo 2014-12-07 18:41

Re: Blackberry Playbook is rooted
I think this is the most interesting thing going on with the PlayBook at the moment
but it's not too exciting :) 2015-01-01 13:28

Re: Blackberry Playbook is rooted
I think I'll keep the untouched main OS (v 2.10.1917) and use sideloading feature , unless there is an alternative app repo that make it more user friendly...

I tried to load Qt5 demo from digia, but it failed to launch the converted apk ;(


bingomion 2015-01-02 05:13

Re: Blackberry Playbook is rooted
sad you have to 'root' your phone/tablet/etc to do what you like on it...

N900 wont let you down... a bit slow, and no frills these days, but if a portable linux device with a physical keyboard is more important to you then get one!
fo shooooo!

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