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bonapart 2011-12-01 20:15

[Announce] gpSP
gpSP is a widely known GameBoyAdvance emulator around the world. Initialy gpSP was made for psp by Exophase, and this port is based on his GP2X/Caanoo port with some little changes that do not intend to waste his original, great work, for a better run under fremantle environment.

How to run
Notaz homepage with sources
Game compatibility list


big thanks for luiscesjr, Notaz, Exophase, [vs] (n800 scin)

notaz donate, bonapart donate

Boemien 2011-12-01 20:24

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Big thanks to every members who Continued this project after almost one Year of development.
At least we have a descent emulator which is running fine, and which runs almost all games.
Special thanks to:

luiscesjr, Figa, Javispedro, Bonapart, Acidspunk and Addison,

and all members who were here since the beginning!
I still Love My N900. ;)

luiscesjr 2011-12-01 20:31

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Please, don't forget Exophase, Notaz and all the ones that helped
create this emulator on all other plataforms, without them, we wouldn't have it =)

Boemien 2011-12-01 20:35

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Yeah so thanks to Exophase and Notaz too. I'm so Happy this emulator is Up now. You all have done a real good work on it.
Now it's time to perfect it and test games... :D

Little think: who can review this thread?: :cool:

Acidspunk 2011-12-01 20:58

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Well Boemien a GC emulator is pretty much impossible on the n900. It would be cool to port other possible system emus like turbographx or maybe update picodrive to the latest version to support more mega cd and 32x games. There are some cool emulators on other devices like cannoo, gp2x and pandora that still haven't been ported and those would be a lot more useful (not to mention actually playable) in my opinion.

bonapart 2011-12-01 21:01

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Boemien: game cube? impossible =) i have a mind to port gpfce to maemo-fremantle,gpsp to maemo-diablo, pcsx-rearmed to meego-harmattan in free time

Now it's time to perfect it and test games...
do not forgot about appending it to compatible list( link in first post)

Bazza 2011-12-01 22:47

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Slight confusion on my behalf

i have vgba maemo 3.6 installed even though it is okay this fresh one sounds better, when i search with app manager i find:-

GBA emulator-gpSP



Do i uninstall the old vgba then install the new ones?


Do i install any of the ones i have found in app manager over the top off vgba?

luiscesjr 2011-12-01 23:22

Re: [Announce] gpSP
The first option, gpspgui is a slight confusion.
Ah, also vgba and gpsp are different builds,
won't conflict if this is what you are worried about,
you can keep both, won't harm your device...

Boemien 2011-12-01 23:42

Re: [Announce] gpSP
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Bazza (Post 1131837)
Do i uninstall the old vgba then install the new ones?


Do i install any of the ones i have found in app manager over the top off vgba?


Originally Posted by luiscesjr (Post 1131846)
The first option, gpspgui is a slight confusion.
Ah, also vgba and gpsp are different builds,
won't conflict if this is what you are worried about,
you can keep both, won't harm your device...

Because an image worth every words... :D

Bazza 2011-12-01 23:50

Re: [Announce] gpSP
Thanks everyone i will give it a go.


Worked a treat.

Seriously impressed this is now a very good emulator.

AND six axis controller worked straight away without the need to configure it.......... QUALITY!!!:cool:

thanks must go to:-

luiscesjr, Notaz, Exophase and Bonapart and anyone else i have missed.

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