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Addison 2011-12-14 21:28

Simple graphic request
1 Attachment(s)
Hey all.

Could someone color in the part where it says Axon while retaining the same coloring mixture in this graphic?

Attachment 23999

It's a slider bar for a music player, so if possible, could you also slightly round out the four corners of it as well?

Just so it doesn't look like a sharp rectangle.

Thanks ahead. :)

electroaudio 2011-12-18 00:41

Re: Simple graphic request
If you download and install GIMP , you could do it yourself in a couple of seconds...

Addison 2011-12-18 00:43

Re: Simple graphic request

I'll give it a try. :)

Cue 2011-12-18 00:54

Re: Simple graphic request

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 1137601)
Hey all.

Could someone color in the part where it says Axon while retaining the same coloring mixture in this graphic?

Attachment 23999

It's a slider bar for a music player, so if possible, could you also slightly round out the four corners of it as well?

Just so it doesn't look like a sharp rectangle.

Thanks ahead. :)

I'm so confused by this request, so you want a rounded black bar with a grey bit on the end?

Addison 2011-12-18 00:56

Re: Simple graphic request

Retain the same coloring but make it look like a bar instead of the word axon.

nicolai 2011-12-18 01:07

Re: Simple graphic request
1 Attachment(s)
like that:


Cue 2011-12-18 01:07

Re: Simple graphic request

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 1138901)

Retain the same coloring but make it look like a bar instead of the word axon.

oh, I see. Thanks. If you run into any problems with gimp I'll try and do this for you some time tomorrow. Shouldn't take long.

Addison 2011-12-18 01:12

Re: Simple graphic request

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 1138905)
like that:



Thank you Nic! :D

Addison 2011-12-20 12:57

Re: Simple graphic request

For some reason, it didn't fully take the new image after I converted it to .bmp.

The progress bar doesn't move, it's still at the beginning even after a minute into the song.

Maybe you went outside of the given area when coloring or maybe something was lost when you saved it as a .png file.

I'm not sure.

Anyway, this is the winamp skin I would like slightly modified if anyone is willing to take another look at this.

Happy Holidays. :)

Addison 2011-12-21 19:31

Re: Simple graphic request
Hey Nic.

Could you please try this again?

You know, whenever you find that you have some time. :)

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