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F2thaK 2011-12-19 14:02

GConf Keys on the N9...
Wondering if anyone knows anything about GConf keys on the N9.

Ive made a theme for the N9 and have spoken to the developer of Theme Changer app about how the app works. She told me it just sets a GConf key, which is "/meegotouch/theme/name". She has been very helpful and I dont want to pester her so I turn to the community for help.

I need to know how to set this key, Ive experimented but had no luck.

I want to have my theme auto set once installed, so users dont need to install Theme Changer also. The reason for this is Im aiming to put my theme in the Store, and Theme Changer isnt in the store.

Theme Changer is open source so the source is available in Github:
If someone can find any info. I have looked, but found nothing to help me.

Any help appreciated.

marxian 2011-12-19 14:12

Re: GConf Keys on the N9...
You can set the key from the postinst script using gconftool:



/usr/bin/aegis-exec -s -u user /usr/bin/gconftool -s --type=string /meegotouch/theme/name <name>
exit 0

If you want users to be able to disable your theme without uninstalling it, then the best way is to use a control panel applet. All you need is a .desktop file (this provides the name that is visible in the settings) and an XML file that describes the GConf keys and the widgets used to change them. Documentation for that is at

F2thaK 2011-12-19 23:15

Re: GConf Keys on the N9...
Where would we be without you...

F2thaK 2011-12-24 04:42

Re: GConf Keys on the N9...
just tested it by making a script.. it doesnt seem to work. Get syntax error: unexpected newline

Saturn 2011-12-24 11:38

Re: GConf Keys on the N9...

Originally Posted by F2thaK (Post 1141360)
just tested it by making a script.. it doesnt seem to work. Get syntax error: unexpected newline

Maybe you copy/pasted Marxian's example wrongly?
Note the following is one line, just cut in two by the forum settings:

/usr/bin/aegis-exec -s -u user /usr/bin/gconftool -s --type=string /meegotouch/theme/name <name>

F2thaK 2011-12-24 11:52

Re: GConf Keys on the N9...
Nah, been here long enough to know that.. :( Thanks though!

my script

(apply theme without rebooting)

I run it in terminal like"
sh /home/user/MyDocs/

/usr/bin/aegis-exec -s -u user /usr/bin/gconftool -s --type=string /meegotouch/theme/name <name>
/sbin/initctl restart xsession/mthome
exit 0

marxian 2011-12-24 12:12

Re: GConf Keys on the N9...
The <name> should be replaced by the value that you wish to set for the key.

F2thaK 2011-12-24 12:20

Re: GConf Keys on the N9...
Tried that... do you do it as root or not? I did try both.

Saturn 2011-12-24 13:00

Re: GConf Keys on the N9...
Sorry if it was too obvious. One more of this type:
Is your script file in windows format or something?

Why don't you just attach the actual script?

F2thaK 2011-12-24 14:26

Re: GConf Keys on the N9...

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