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megoodsen 2011-12-20 18:07

Simple do this then do install Opera Mini
I want to install opera mini on my N900.

I'm starting here:

which first takes me off to install java here:



Download and install lcedtea6 from the Extras-Testing repository.
Download Microemulator.
Unzip microemulator as root in / opt /: unzip / opt / microemulator /
Execute it, type: java-jar / opt / microemu / microemulator.jar
Go to options -> Select Device
Select Resizable device and click OK
Icedtea6 is allegedly installed, but it doesn't show in apps list (is it supposed to?)

I've downloaded Microemulator, which apparently was saved in downloads.

I've also (allegedly) installed <someone's> unzip from app manager.
I say someone's as it is not appearing either and I can't remember the name exactly.

Now assuming I have installed what it told me so far, I am falling over now.

I'm not stupid or a technophobe, but I am un-knowledgeable in the x-terminal part.

Is there a do this next do that next version?

For example, I take it I need to install rootsh?
That is skipped over.

the unzip, (which I tried) couldn't find the downloaded file.
Ok makes sense, I'm probably not in the right folder.

Instructions don't cover that.

Is there a muppets guide to it??


megoodsen 2011-12-20 18:21

Re: Simple do this then do install Opera Mini
OK got past the micro-emulator part as it is in the extras so no need for the zip stuff!

megoodsen 2011-12-20 18:43

Re: Simple do this then do install Opera Mini
OK I have kopped out and gone for the opera mobile in the repository.

Though it would still be useful to know what I should have done.

zdanee 2011-12-21 08:05

Re: Simple do this then do install Opera Mini

Originally Posted by megoodsen (Post 1140117)
OK I have kopped out and gone for the opera mobile in the repository.

Though it would still be useful to know what I should have done.

Going for Opera Mobile the first place. Turn on Turbo mode, and you are using an OperaMini.

megoodsen 2011-12-21 12:34

Re: Simple do this then do install Opera Mini

Originally Posted by zdanee (Post 1140298)
Going for Opera Mobile the first place. Turn on Turbo mode, and you are using an OperaMini.

I would agree with you, except turbo mode on when not on wifi just doesn't work for me!

It just doesn't load the pages.
Go to non turbo, everything is beautiful.
But my whole goal was to get mini to reduce data usage as I keep going over the measly 500MB I have.

Any ideas anyone why turbo won't work properly?
I think it does on wifi.

[DarkGUNMAN] 2011-12-21 13:05

Re: Simple do this then do install Opera Mini
Try this guide I made a while back...

megoodsen 2011-12-21 13:16

Re: Simple do this then do install Opera Mini

Originally Posted by [DarkGUNMAN] (Post 1140370)
Try this guide I made a while back...

thanks for that.
I'll see if I can follow all the stages of the tut.

megoodsen 2011-12-21 13:17

Re: Simple do this then do install Opera Mini
quick Q. can I do any of the file stuff attached to my PC, from my PC?

megoodsen 2011-12-21 13:21

Re: Simple do this then do install Opera Mini
one more sorry.
As I already have icedtea6 and microemulator installed (from the repository), can I skip that, and does it affect the subsequent instructions (file paths?)
Sound slike I nee dto find out how to browse folders at a lower level than the file manager?

[DarkGUNMAN] 2011-12-21 13:31

Re: Simple do this then do install Opera Mini
Install OpenSSH-Server, then use WinSCP to connect to the N900 over WiFi - this allows full filesystem access.

Otherwise if you are stuck without WiFi, install FileBox to move files around on the N900 since this also has full file system access.

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