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marxian 2011-12-24 23:10

[Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
I announce the Maemo5 version of MusiKloud, a SoundCloud client written using Qt Components.

Some screenshots:

Dependencies: qt-components-examples, libqtm-12*

Known issues:

1. Theming errors with TabButtons when using dark theme and/or landscape mode.

Version 1.0.6 now available. Changelog:

* Fixed search.

* Icon now visible in application list.

* Minor improvements to download code.

Debian package is available from

Addison 2011-12-24 23:22

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
Wow! That looks fantastic!

Since you're using QT, it probably can't be back ported to Diablo, correct?

Anyway, great job with this. :)

marxian 2011-12-24 23:29

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 1141554)
Wow! That looks fantastic!

Since you're using QT, it probably can't be back ported to Diablo, correct?

Anyway, great job with this. :)

Thanks. :) I don't think Diablo has the minimum requirements to run this. Even if the required Qt libraries were available, the performance would probably be pretty bad on the N8*0 devices.

corduroysack 2011-12-24 23:31

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
briliant been keeping a look out for this since it was first mentioned. :D
Merry Christmas :D

Addison 2011-12-25 01:05

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1141558)
Thanks. :) I don't think Diablo has the minimum requirements to run this. Even if the required Qt libraries were available, the performance would probably be pretty bad on the N8*0 devices.

Figures. *lol*

Thanks for the response nonetheless. :)

patlak 2011-12-25 01:33

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
How do you go back to a previous menu? I have no back button :(

marxian 2011-12-26 02:02

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
MusiKloud 1.0.4 is now available:


* Fixed rotation issue.
* Statusbar is now visible, solving issues with hidden minimise/close buttons.
* Switched to QtMobility1.2
* Fixed toolbar layout issue by moving the 'now playing' button to the statusbar.

Debian package is available from

inean 2011-12-26 11:07

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1141862)
MusiKloud 1.0.4 is now available:
* Fixed toolbar layout issue by moving the 'now playing' button to the statusbar.

There's an open bug against toolbar layout issues. I can rollback to default meego implementation but that isn't also perfect so I prefer to fix this case by case. Please, could you provide a TestCase for your problem and attach it to the Bug?

Problem with your approach is that phone/network indicators will be available in the new qt-components revision... :/

By the way, I'll pushing new qt-components today, which proposes a new way to backport meego Apps to make it compatible with SSU and CSSU deployments. That way It should even easier to backport apps.

Thanks for your Job.

marxian 2011-12-26 19:15

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
MusiKloud 1.0.5 is now available.


* Moved 'now playing' button back to toolbar.

Debian package is available from

trisha02 2011-12-26 19:45

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
musikloud doesnot open.i get just a black screen. i then hav to close it via power buttin.can anyone please help

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