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admiral0 2012-01-06 10:05

Nokia N9 widgets
Hello. Please vote here if you want widget page on the N9:

cddiede 2012-01-06 12:59

Re: Nokia N9 widgets
You mean like this:

admiral0 2012-01-06 16:41

Re: Nokia N9 widgets
Nope. That is a separate application. This would be integrated into the system.

jalyst 2012-01-06 17:59

Re: Nokia N9 widgets
IIRC it's explained in that thread why that's not do-able right now.

If your bug report explains to Nokia devs what the prob is, & why/how it should be corrected.
Then that's a good thing, & everyone should vote!

Maybe you could post it in the bug-tracker thread too.

admiral0 2012-01-07 01:09

Re: Nokia N9 widgets
Well, it does explain.

I'd like API to add Page as QML or QWidget and maybe substitute existing page.

They are almost there. Just export some functionality and document libmeegotouchhome.

marxian 2012-01-07 01:52

Re: Nokia N9 widgets
Swipe UX is closed. Game over.

Bug: No homescreen widgets

Status: Closed


youmeego 2012-01-07 02:58

Re: Nokia N9 widgets
i wish nokia add more widgets under the two default widgets on events view

admiral0 2012-01-07 09:05

Re: Nokia N9 widgets

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1146898)
Swipe UX is closed. Game over.

Bug: No homescreen widgets

Status: Closed


Read bug and try again. It does not require them to open up meegotouchhome.

marxian 2012-01-07 09:21

Re: Nokia N9 widgets

Originally Posted by admiral0 (Post 1146990)
Read bug and try again. It does not require them to open up meegotouchhome.

The point is that the functionality cannot be implemented without further effort from Nokia, which would not be required if the source were available. We are now having to rely upon an organisation that no longer gives a fvck about this platform. The Harmattan office is probably one guy in a broom cupboard at the arse end of the building.

admiral0 2012-01-07 09:37

Re: Nokia N9 widgets

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1146992)
The point is that the functionality cannot be implemented without further effort from Nokia, which would not be required if the source were available. We are now having to rely upon an organisation that no longer gives a fvck about this platform. The Harmattan office is probably one guy in a broom cupboard at the arse end of the building.

:) Probably yes (the forever alone dude)

I totally agree with you about the source. I don't know wtf they are hiding in there... Not only aegis is a *****, but also UX is closed and not easily replaceable (Would require a complete rewrite).

I mailed elop (1st time he answered), the second time he forwarded me to Meego Head jyrki rosenberg that hasn't answered from then. I said i'm ready to sign NDA (i hope NDA won't prevent me from working on other things for years lol) to implement this for them...

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