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U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (version 2013.04-2)
1 Attachment(s)
Update: 06.04.2016 22:00 UTC: Version 2013.04-2 is in Extras-Devel, fixing u-boot-update-bootmenu script
Update: 20.04.2013 10:00 UTC: Version 2013.04-1 is in Extras-Devel, support for bootmenu ext2/3/4 partition Update: 28.04.2012 11:50 UTC: Fixed problem with mkimage, build error in debian/rules and correct ram size in u-boot rx51 board code Update: 28.04.2012 17:50 UTC: Fixed and enabled SW cursor. Now problem with damaged video output is fixed. Update: 09.07.2012 08:10 UTC: New version which generate omap atag Update: 09.07.2012 15:46 UTC: Set bootdealy to 0 if keyboard is closed Update: 17.10.2012 20:15 UTC: Version 2012.10-rc3-1 Update: 13.12.2012 16:15 UTC: Version 2012.10-rc3-1 is now in Extras-Devel & Testing Please vote for packages: http://maemo.org/packages/package_in...ols/2013.04-2/ http://maemo.org/packages/package_in...img/2013.04-2/ http://maemo.org/packages/package_in...her/2013.04-2/ Info: Das U-Boot is bootloader which can boot kernel image with initrd. It can be used for booting more kernels (Nokia stock, kernel-power, ...) or for booting other systems (Nemo, Nitdroid, Kubuntu, Debian, ...). This U-Boot version is new and has nice Bootmenu (like Fanoush Bootmenu or Multiboot packages). I'm working on upstreaming U-Boot RX-51 (N900) port and this U-Boot Bootmenu. This version should be stable, it has FIXED battery draining and video output garbage. U-Boot Bootmenu reading special config file and some images from MyDocs (file bootmenu.scr and directory bootmenu-img.d). This special u-boot config file is binary and is generated from text config files by script u-boot-update-bootmenu New U-Boot has 3 packages: u-boot-bootimg - contains only u-boot binary, nothing more (it is not need for end-users) u-boot-tools - contains tools: * u-boot-gen-combined - generate combined images (u-boot with kernel) * u-boot-update-bootmenu - update bootmenu entries for U-Boot * mkimage - convert zImage kernel format to uImage (U-Boot format) u-boot-flasher - contains combined image: u-boot binary with stock PR1.3 kernel. After installation is this image flashed, and replace actual kernel. This package depends on u-boot-tools! Plus you need fiasco-image-update-ask (which ask before flashing other kernel/uboot version). More info is here: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p...&postcount=191 or https://garage.maemo.org/pm/task.php...roject_id=3864 Download & Install: This U-Boot version is now in Extras-Devel & Extras-Testing. Install package u-boot-flasher via apt-get or via Hildon Application Manager find "U-Boot with kernel 2.6.28-omap1". !BEFORE INSTALLING THIS U-BOOT ALL OTHER INCOMPATIBLE U-BOOT VERSIONS MUST BE UNINSTALLED! Hildon Application Manager will not allow you to install this U-Boot if there are some problems. !INSTALLING u-boot-flasher PACKAGE WILL REPLACE YOUR KERNEL IN NAND! Source code: Source code of u-boot (with n900 port) is on http://git.denx.de/?p=u-boot.git;a=summary Source code of Maemo Debian packaging (with u-boot-update-bootmenu script) is on github: https://github.com/pali/u-boot-maemo Changelog: Update: New version 2013-04-2 Changes: * u-boot-update-bootmenu: Support for --no-attached and fixed support for ext2/3/4 MyDocs Update: New version 2013.04-1 Changes: * New upstream version 2013.04 now contains all n900 patches (everything with bootmenu was upstreamed) * Added support for ext2/3/4 partition for MyDocs (before bootmenu worked only with FAT32 MyDocs) * Do not compile U-Boot on autobuilder, but use precompiled version by my gcc 4.7 * U-Boot now can boot 3.x kernels too (thanks to gcc 4.7) * u-boot-update-bootmenu can be configured to use different MyDocs, etc and boot paths (useful for non Maemo systems) Update: New version 2012.10-rc3-1 Changes: * disabled onenand support (which cause non bootable kernel on non 2101 hw revs) * added thumb-2 errata 430973 workaround (set IBE bit in Auxiliary Control Register) * reuse bootreason, bootmode, hwrev, nolo ver in omap atag table * added env setup_boot_reason_atag and setup_boot_mode_atag (for forcing in omap atag table) * rewritten assembler code (attached kernel image is now moved to end of ram) * reset lp5523 led chip * do not append zero size ATAG_MEM * depends on fiasco-image-update-ask (which ask you before flashing other kernel/uboot version) * u-boot-update-bootmenu look for kernel image in /opt/boot too (usefull for optification) Update: New version 2012.04-2 Changes: * load bootmenu.src always (if keyboard is closed, first menu entry will be automatically boot) * u-boot now NOT reusing omap atag, instead it generate it * item option ITEM_REUSEATAGS is obsolated (but still working). Now use ITEM_OMAPATAG for booting Maemo 5 * u-boot variable atagaddr is now ignored, because u-boot is not reusing atags. * u-boot command "setenv setup_omap_atag 1" will tell u-boot to generate omap atag for booting kernel PLEASE DO NOT USE IT - INSTEAD USE ITEM CONFIG FILE Update: New version 2012.04 Visible changes for users: * atag address for kernel is always 0x80000100, so for reusing atags from nolo is needed this command: "setenv atagaddr 0x80000100" instead "setenv atagaddr ${init_atagaddr}"PLEASE DO NOT WRITE YOUR OWN SCRIPTS - USE ITEM CONFIG FILES * for reusing atags u-boot-update-bootmenu needs option ITEM_REUSEATAGS=1 (instead ITEM_USEATAG) - but works also old option (it show warning) - update your item config files * "run noloboot" command renamed to "run attachboot" * if you are not reusing atags from nolo, u-boot will generate memory atag which is needed to boot kernels (now maybe meego/upstream kernel will boot without nolo atags) other changes: * added ext4 support * added console history support (but without cursor) * disabled cursor - it is buggy now * enabled generating memory atag * restored powerbus state after enabling eMMC * removed init_atagaddr variable (it must be always 0x80000100) * fixed keymap, cursor keys * ... How to create bootmenu entry for U-Boot: copy kernel image zImage-my to /opt/boot/ create config file in /etc/bootmenu.d/ with suffix .item /etc/bootmenu.d/20-my-kernel.item Code:
ITEM_NAME="My kernel" # Menu entry name Code:
ITEM_NAME="My name" Converting zImage to uImage: Install package u-boot-tools and then run Code:
$ mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 80008000 -e 80008000 -n zImage -d zImage uImage Set bootmenu item file as default first entry Create symlink to /etc/default/bootmenu.item from your item file. For example: Code:
$ ln -s /etc/bootmenu.d/20-Maemo5-kernel-power- /etc/default/bootmenu.item After creating config run tool Code:
$ u-boot-update-bootmenu See also u-boot-images.tar.gz which contains example item files. How to easy create Maemo kernel dualbooting: Stock PR1.3 kernel, kernel-power and other... Just copy zImages to /opt/boot, create config files for each and run u-boot-update-bootmenu kernel-power v50 has package kernel-power-bootimg in extras-devel & extras-testing. It contains proper zImage and item file. Examples: This tarball http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pal...12.04-1.tar.gz contains some kernels (stock PR1.3 and stock PR1.3 with framebuffer) and some item files. For playing & testing download archive to / and unpack it as root: $ cd / && tar -xf u-boot-images.tar.gz Do not forget to update bootmenu: $ u-boot-update-bootmenu Screenshot: |
Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu
Pali, would it be also possible to explain in simple words, how to "migrate" from backupmenu-multiboot (multiboot combined with backupmenu as selectable option), to U-Boot with backupmenu as selectable option?
Sorry for - probably - silly question, but this whole U-boot thing was never my strong side (time to change that ;) ), so I don't even have and idea how to start tinkering with backupmenu/multiboot combination. Thanks for this great work, Pali and freemangordon! /Estel // Edit Also, is it possible to "force" u-boot flasher into flashing combined image with some stable version of kernel-power (kp49, for example), for people that are totally uninterested in using stock Nokia kernel even as fallback? I know that one of U-boots purposes is to avoid constantly flashing when we want to boot different kernel, so future kp/community kernel editions would be just loaded by U-boot, but flashing stock kernel - even as backup - again, somehow creeps me out. |
Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu
Nice work Pali! And thanks to freemangordon for the L2 fix.
Would it be possible to create a 'u-boot-power-flasher' package with the newest kernel-power ? For some reason the u-boot on my phone does not load external zImages. I created a entry for kernel-power like you described in your first post, but after selecting it u-boot shows 'Loading the kernel' (or something like that) and my phone turns off after a while. |
Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu
At least on my phone it does ;) |
Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu
Holy crap, it finally happened. I'm going to play with this now.
Something's very wrong here. I can see my new boot menu for a split second, the u-boot goes back to the "Internal MMC, Internal Flash" blah blah blah. Looking at the menu generation script, it's probably ITEM_USEATAG instead of ITEM_USETAG. And the included kernel is kernel-maemo, which means that because of my ext4 /home, I can't boot back until I flash back kernel-power. This isn't good. I've done 5 kernel flashes trying to figure this out. |
Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu
Create combined.fiasco image (you need packages: u-boot-bootimg u-boot-tools sdk-fiasco-gen) Code:
$ mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 80008000 -e 80008000 -n "<image_name>" -d /boot/<your_zImage> /var/tmp/uImage Code:
$ fiasco-image-update combined.fiasco |
Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu
Package: http://maemo.org/packages/view/kernel-framebuffer/ Unpack deb package and unpack fiasco image with flasher: $ flasher-3.5 -F </unpacked_deb/boot/zImage.fiasco> -u (it will unpack kernel to file zImage) |
Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu
Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu
Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu
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