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teamer 2012-02-02 17:36

NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device
N900 is a BRILLIANT phone and most of all i love its OS
MAEMO 5 ! it's just what we need !
but the phone it self lacks a good battery (3000mAh would be just GR8) , double ram , and double CPU speed
and make USB OTG working ! thats all , you built the perfect phone !

- i am ok with -no multitouch- (really its ok for me and for most of you n900 users right ?)

- am just fine with the lack of 100000000s of apps android and iphone have (i prefer having 100 needed apps like on n900 rather than 1000sands of useless apps like ones on iphone and android)

am in love with easy debian - the IM and sms system , the contacts , the calendar thats syn with google calendar via erminig app , the ability to use things like aircrack , the brilliant desktop , the ability to handle tough tasks ... really NOKIA u did and ABANDONED the BEST PHONE ON THE PLANET !

and i am still waiting for some phone that has a better battery , a better cpu just to port maemo on it , even if it was samsung or anything i just want MAEMO with all those features !

now who would like an N900 with 2GB ram and 1500ghz CPU ? (without overclock) ?

i am sure 99% of you will say YES !

Dave999 2012-02-02 17:44

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device
I would like to have one. Can you send one to me?

teamer 2012-02-02 17:48

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1159553)
I would like to have one. Can you send one to me?

Haha yes sure once NOKIA build one ! N900i :p
i hope they will make some device that we can install maemo5 on !

don_falcone 2012-02-02 17:48

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device

Originally Posted by teamer (Post 1159549)
and 1500ghz CPU ? (without overclock)? that a bitslice CPU?

Iktwo 2012-02-02 17:49

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device
Imagine a N950 with NFC, usb 4.0, super amoled screen, 720p resolution, FM TX RX, IR Transmiter, HDMI, dual core processor, 2 GB ram, USB OTG.. MAEMO 5!

Everyone would love it..

I agree with teamer, it's better to have few useful apps than a lot useless..

teamer 2012-02-02 17:55

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device

Originally Posted by Iktwo (Post 1159559)
Imagine a N950 with NFC, usb 4.0, super amoled screen, 720p resolution, FM TX RX, IR Transmiter, HDMI, dual core processor, 2 GB ram, USB OTG.. MAEMO 5!

Everyone would love it..

I agree with teamer, it's better to have few useful apps than a lot useless..

the idea is to have MAEMO5 ! that would be Gr8 !

teamer 2012-02-02 17:57

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device
and i forgot the most important ... a KEYBOARD , those on-screen ones just burns ur nerves !

GrimyHR 2012-02-03 20:44

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device
i would be satisfied if my n900 had just 512mb ram, a little bit better gpu(for instance mali 400 "dual core" with open source drivers) and maybe hw acc flash 11, dont need anything better than that to run maemo for the next 2-3 years...

teamer 2012-02-04 09:27

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device

Originally Posted by GrimyHR (Post 1160116)
i would be satisfied if my n900 had just 512mb ram, a little bit better gpu(for instance mali 400 "dual core" with open source drivers) and maybe hw acc flash 11, dont need anything better than that to run maemo for the next 2-3 years...

a good battery is required for that ram and cpu ... i would like to use maemo for lets say ... till another thing like maemo comes up

GrimyHR 2012-02-04 09:57

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device

Originally Posted by teamer (Post 1160289)
a good battery is required for that ram and cpu ... i would like to use maemo for lets say ... till another thing like maemo comes up

for the things i listed n900's battery is good enough, 1500mAh-1800mAh would be great but is not all that important, i always have my 4600mAh 130g external battery with me anyway...

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