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cBeam 2012-02-08 16:00

Nokia ends phone assembly in Europe
Hardly surprising, sad anyway, Another European "manufacturer" leaves Europe for good and assembles phones solely in Asia.

For me it is just another reason to see Nokia as what is it, a large faceless corporation without soul.

Washington Post Article:

zifis 2012-02-08 16:11

Re: Nokia ends phone assembly in Europe
The "funny" part is that they think that relocating their assembly to Asia will make things right...

... as if they've lost all that market share just because the competition's assembly costs are lower :cool:

marxian 2012-02-08 16:48

Re: Nokia ends phone assembly in Europe

Originally Posted by cBeam (Post 1162209)
For me it is just another reason to see Nokia as what is it, a large faceless corporation without soul.

I've always seen Nokia that way. Just the same as any other corporation. I've never understood the misty-eyed view of Nokia that some have.

The rich shaft the poor. That's the way it's always been, and always will be. Ordinary workers are paying the price for Nokia's strategic failures, whilst the people responsible are still in their cushy jobs. Same sh1t, different day.

Mike Fila 2012-02-08 16:59

Re: Nokia ends phone assembly in Europe
Not surprising especially since the 900 will be offered at $99 when it is released through at&t in a few months.

pycage 2012-02-08 18:34

Re: Nokia ends phone assembly in Europe
This makes the transition to Tizen phones easier for me. I was reluctant to buy an Asian plastic phone because Nokia hardware was so much better quality.
Now that this might be no longer true, I may as well go for other plastic phones. Thanks Nokia!

ioncelmare 2012-02-08 18:44

Re: Nokia ends phone assembly in Europe

Originally Posted by zifis (Post 1162218)
The "funny" part is that they think that relocating their assembly to Asia will make things right...

... as if they've lost all that market share just because the competition's assembly costs are lower :cool:

u think that roumanian workers are better payd as the assian ones?
i totally doubt that.
and if their cost with work in roumania it is because they hired a work plassament company, and they "lease" the workers from them. :)
so, just another method to steal some money from someone else, or... just bad management.

in two years i'm afraid that nokia will be so small, so small. and samsung will buy them.:(

zifis 2012-02-09 15:12

Re: Nokia ends phone assembly in Europe

Originally Posted by ioncelmare (Post 1162305)
u think that roumanian workers are better payd as the assian ones?
i totally doubt that.(

It's not so much the workers' salary, as the vast automated assembly and production lines the Chinese have set up all these years.

Noone can compete with them any more in speed and quality without skyrocketing the costs

tissot 2012-02-09 15:26

Re: Nokia ends phone assembly in Europe
It's not even the workers costs alone, petty much all of Nokia's sub-contractors are in Asia, like every other manufacturer from Samsung, Apple, LG, SE etc etc.

It was matter of time.


Originally Posted by pycage (Post 1162301)
This makes the transition to Tizen phones easier for me. I was reluctant to buy an Asian plastic phone because Nokia hardware was so much better quality.
Now that this might be no longer true, I may as well go for other plastic phones. Thanks Nokia!

Well you are going to get the Asian plastic phones from Tizen, if there will ever be anything.
Around 90% of Nokia phones where already made in Asia, so it's not like much is going to change from past 6 years.

At least 4 out of 6 Nokia major R&D hubs are in West, something you can't say about the other companies. And this soul talk is just funny. :D

ossipena 2012-02-09 15:30

Re: Nokia ends phone assembly in Europe

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 1162301)
This makes the transition to Tizen phones easier for me. I was reluctant to buy an Asian plastic phone because Nokia hardware was so much better quality.
Now that this might be no longer true, I may as well go for other plastic phones. Thanks Nokia!

Lumia 800 is made in far east, the quality is 1:1 to N9...

Dave999 2012-02-09 15:55

Re: Nokia ends phone assembly in Europe
Lumia 800 is the worst phone since n97 and n97 mini.

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