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Boule010 2012-02-10 00:42

Can't install preenv. Im new to X terminal :(
Hello, I've been trying to install preenv on my nokia n900 since Im bored playing the same old basic games. But, I have never been through the Xterminal before, I dont know much bout these, I've tried following instructions posted in many threads, but none have helped me until now. I installed the rootsh as asked, and activated the repositories as well (even if I dont really know what it actually means) but when I enter apt-get preenv it plainly says, E: package not found (something like that)

I read in a post that, repositories are not avalaible in all countries? How do I know it is available in my country?

Plz help me out :(

Brian_7 2012-02-10 02:25

Re: Can't install preenv. Im new to X terminal :(
sudo gainroot

apt-get update

apt-get install preenv

AndyYan 2012-02-10 02:42

Re: Can't install preenv. Im new to X terminal :(

Originally Posted by Boule010 (Post 1162909)
Hello, I've been trying to install preenv on my nokia n900 since Im bored playing the same old basic games. But, I have never been through the Xterminal before, I dont know much bout these, I've tried following instructions posted in many threads, but none have helped me until now. I installed the rootsh as asked, and activated the repositories as well (even if I dont really know what it actually means) but when I enter apt-get preenv it plainly says, E: package not found (something like that)

I read in a post that, repositories are not avalaible in all countries? How do I know it is available in my country?

Plz help me out :(

More easy way: go get "wgames" from Maemo Application Manager and it'll install preenv along with it.

Boule010 2012-02-10 11:01

Re: Can't install preenv. Im new to X terminal :(
@Brian_7, thank you but I've been trying this a dozen of times now but it has never worked :(

@AndyYan, I can't find the game in my app manager :(

Im desperate :(

reinob 2012-02-10 14:31

Re: Can't install preenv. Im new to X terminal :(

wgames and preenv are in extras-devel. Are you sure you have activated that repository?

Go to the terminal and type:
$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list

you should see a line containing
deb fremantle free non-free

If not there (or commented out by starting with "#") then add it (or remove the "#").

Then, as root, do "apt-get update" and then "apt-get install wgames"

Brian_7 2012-02-10 14:46

Re: Can't install preenv. Im new to X terminal :(
Download and install the deb file from here:

reinob 2012-02-10 16:01

Re: Can't install preenv. Im new to X terminal :(

If he does that you can already expect the next message ("when I run dpkg -i ... I get a bunch of errors about missing dependencies!").

burwat292596 2012-02-10 16:08

Re: Can't install preenv. Im new to X terminal :(
I got them too, but exit terminal, tap blue webos icon & system asks for a task reset, i think this resolves that problem

Brian_7 2012-02-10 16:28

Re: Can't install preenv. Im new to X terminal :(
all the dependencies of preenv are here:

Pick up the ones that you need.

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