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ROne21 2012-02-19 09:33

Swype keyboard
Is there any way to delete the other languages on the Swype keyboard? It just bugs me when I hit it while writing a text then I have to go through all the other languages just to get back to my set language.

Sniper_swe 2012-02-19 13:07

In n9 qttweak app u can choose language:) you can find the app here in Nokia n9 category.

4n77r4xX 2012-02-19 13:12

Re: Swype keyboard
Is there a option to change the virtual keyboard designs ?

rfa 2012-02-19 13:43

Re: Swype keyboard

Originally Posted by 4n77r4xX (Post 1166902)
Is there a option to change the virtual keyboard designs ?

is Mesinput what you're looking for?

Have a look in the store..

mariusmssj 2012-02-19 13:43

Re: Swype keyboard
PR 1.2 should allow that

Hacker 2012-02-19 17:53

Re: Swype keyboard
Both N9 Quick Tweak and N9 Tweak offer modifications of the device's virtual keyboard.

jalyst 2012-02-19 18:10

Re: Swype keyboard
^For the DIY types...
There's also manual mods (which is what N9 Tweak automates) explained in the the N9/x0 guide, see my sig.
To the original poster, poster #5 is correct, this is being rectified with PR1.2.

Schturman 2012-02-20 08:46

Re: Swype keyboard
Yes, in N9 Quick Tweak you have tweak FF, you can limit min to two languages.

Sniper_swe 2012-02-20 09:23

You have an aPP for it in store. Search for swype.

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