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asianmoomoo 2012-02-20 17:13

Pandora for N9?
Hi Guys,

Does anyone know if a Pandora app is being developed for the N9? I would love to have it...Thanks.

cincibluer6 2012-02-20 17:16

Re: Pandora for N9?
It was pyradio on N900 and I thought it was being ported but I haven't heard of anything lately.

Muzimak 2012-02-20 17:41

Re: Pandora for N9?
What is Padora, so being lasy to search :)

Arie 2012-02-20 17:50

Re: Pandora for N9?
There is a port, it's just it's not fully functioning yet, when the port is running I will make sure to tell everyone...

sitoub_n82 2012-02-20 17:56

Re: Pandora for N9?

Originally Posted by Muzimak (Post 1167432)
What is Padora, so being lasy to search :)

It's the woman who released all evils on earth...just kidding man haha! On what planet have you been leaving lol? In a nutshell, Pandora is a free internet radio that allows you to select the genre of music you want to hear.

somedude 2012-02-20 18:08

Re: Pandora for N9?

Originally Posted by sitoub_n82 (Post 1167442)
It's the woman who released all evils on earth...just kidding man haha! On what planet have you been leaving lol? In a nutshell, Pandora is a free internet radio that allows you to select the genre of music you want to hear.

this is a USA specific service thats why not a lot of people know because they don't care and they done care because they cant use it. Same with lot ok people in America don't know about which works worldwide but its not famous due to Pandora being more famous here.

sitoub_n82 2012-02-22 15:07

Re: Pandora for N9?

Originally Posted by somedude (Post 1167446)
this is a USA specific service thats why not a lot of people know because they don't care and they done care because they cant use it. Same with lot ok people in America don't know about which works worldwide but its not famous due to Pandora being more famous here.

I didn't know that!! Jeez where have I been living...funny, I'm in the US but use more than pandora. Thanks for the info

Sub-Negro 2013-03-13 18:40

Re: Pandora for N9?

Originally Posted by somedude (Post 1167446)
this is a USA specific service thats why not a lot of people know because they don't care and they done care because they cant use it. Same with lot ok people in America don't know about which works worldwide but its not famous due to Pandora being more famous here.

Is there way to stream on for free?

waldo 2013-03-13 18:42

Re: Pandora for N9? is $3 a month last a I checked to do mobile, but I remember reading that was changing

abyzthomas 2013-03-13 20:46

Re: Pandora for N9?
Doesn't Nokia IPRadio (Tunein) pretty much do the same thing for free?

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