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joonne 2012-02-23 21:37

N900 succes !
Hi !

I know it may not be worth it to create a new thread for this but I just wanted to share this with you !

A couple of weeks ago i bought another n900 for 40 euros which was in very poor condition and it was stuck in that situation when it doesn't boot up but it was easily solved with flasher.

Then I tried to charge it with wall charger and there showed up text: battery won't charge. I was a bit confused and left that project for a week. Then, three days ago I plugged it to pc and paired it with nokia suite and I was really amazed ! Nokia suite informed me that this n900 still has warranty and yesterday i visited a maintenance company and the phone left to Nokia for repair.

This n900 also had broken lcd-display, there were missing screws and the slider was a bit broken also.

Now I'm just waiting what comes back from the maintenance :)

So, the point was that I made a pretty good bargain.

(Ps. feel free to delete this thread if moderator feels that way, I just wanted to share this:) )

Virtuality 2012-02-23 21:43

Re: N900 succes !

Originally Posted by joonne (Post 1168929)
Hi !

I know it may not be worth it to create a new thread for this but I just wanted to share this with you !

A couple of weeks ago i bought another n900 for 40 euros which was in very poor condition and it was stuck in that situation when it doesn't boot up but it was easily solved with flasher.

Then I tried to charge it with wall charger and there showed up text: battery won't charge. I was a bit confused and left that project for a week. Then, three days ago I plugged it to pc and paired it with nokia suite and I was really amazed ! Nokia suite informed me that this n900 still has warranty and yesterday i visited a maintenance company and the phone left to Nokia for repair.

This n900 also had broken lcd-display, there were missing screws and the slider was a bit broken also.

Now I'm just waiting what comes back from the maintenance :)

So, the point was that I made a pretty good bargain.

(Ps. feel free to delete this thread if moderator feels that way, I just wanted to share this:) )

You are lucky then!

matagyula 2012-02-23 22:04

Re: N900 succes !
Hehe, nice! I hope you get a new one from them! ^^ I got me a used one last week, for 170 euros :O It's got maybe a month of warranty left, i hope nothing will go wrong after that ^^

szopin 2012-02-23 22:12

Re: N900 succes !
Lol, how come they didn't offer you e7/n8 instead??? Lucky bastard

joonne 2012-02-24 06:10

Re: N900 succes !
Yep, I think I'm lucky :D

I Hope nothing goes wrong with your n900 matagyula !

panjgoori 2012-02-24 06:28

Re: N900 succes !
you will receive a n8 or e7 in return.

MrBigCow 2012-02-24 06:38

Re: N900 succes !

Originally Posted by panjgoori (Post 1169087)
you will receive a n8 or e7 in return.


Waynder 2012-02-24 06:59

Re: N900 succes !
have all three of them.... n8 e7 and n900

n8 is great fun phone... perfect camera
e7 useb for work
tottally modded n900 used for fun stuff =D thanx to CSSU

stickymick 2012-02-24 08:15

Re: N900 succes !
I Hate to p*ss on your bonfire, but I'd say that while €40 is a reasonable price for a badly hacked about N900, I'm not so sure the warranty will cover the stuff like cracked screen and missing screws (a sure sign of mistreatment and attempted repair by unqualified persons).
Chances are the screw threads are still in the holes, making it almost impossible to replace them with new ones, thus needing a case or bezel replacement.

Be interesting to see how it turns out though.

xRobby 2012-02-24 08:59

Re: N900 succes !
Have fun when you get an n8 back! Who knows though, you might even get a lumia 800 for 40 quid!!

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