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soredawg 2012-02-24 11:59

[Harmattan] [Request] CallerID widget
This is probably the most needed quick access widget for me, and I would greatly appreciate anyone who could make one, as I have no coding experience. Its a long process to go into settings->Device->Call->show caller ID->then toggle.

Many thanks in advance.

smcsa 2012-02-24 14:11

Re: [Request] CallerID widget
Why do you need to switch so frequently ?

int_ua 2012-02-24 15:31

Re: [Harmattan] [Request] CallerID widget
Isn't CallerID being set on the carrier side? I think there are some USSD codes with which you can set it.

zlatko 2012-02-24 15:48

Re: [Harmattan] [Request] CallerID widget
USSD to hide caller ID is *67, but I think the OP knows it, but needs an easy toggle like 2g3g switch and Flight mode by Jacopo Guderzo.

int_ua 2012-02-24 16:27

Re: [Harmattan] [Request] CallerID widget
I've used contacts as USSD shortcuts on N900, you can try it.

soredawg 2012-02-25 21:50

Re: [Request] CallerID widget
When you use it for work, and don't want people calling you back on that number.

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