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beermad 2012-02-29 21:20

Any way to disconnect from cellular network?
There are times when it would be convenient not to be connected to the cellular network. Not just silent, but actually completely disconnected so the network can't see me. But with the N900 still functioning as a computer (which is what I bought it for in the first place).

Is there a way to do this apart from taking the SIM card out? That would work, but as the SIM's behind the battery would require a power-down first, which I don't want.


peter2p 2012-02-29 21:43

Re: Any way to disconnect from cellular network?
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by beermad (Post 1172287)
There are times when it would be convenient not to be connected to the cellular network. Not just silent, but actually completely disconnected so the network can't see me. But with the N900 still functioning as a computer (which is what I bought it for in the first place).

How about the Offline modus at the power menu...

misterc 2012-02-29 22:20

Re: Any way to disconnect from cellular network?

Originally Posted by beermad (Post 1172287)
There are times when it would be convenient not to be connected to the cellular network. Not just silent, but actually completely disconnected so the network can't see me. But with the N900 still functioning as a computer (which is what I bought it for in the first place).

Is there a way to do this apart from taking the SIM card out? That would work, but as the SIM's behind the battery would require a power-down first, which I don't want.


assuming you would like to stay connected to a WLAN, you could choose the "Tablet Mode" rather then "Offline";
"Tablet Mode" actually turns OFF the GSM Modem and only leaves the WLAN MoDem on

ZedThou 2012-03-02 18:06

Re: Any way to disconnect from cellular network?

Originally Posted by misterc (Post 1172304)
assuming you would like to stay connected to a WLAN, you could choose the "Tablet Mode" rather then "Offline";
"Tablet Mode" actually turns OFF the GSM Modem and only leaves the WLAN MoDem on

This requires the cell-modem-ui package, correct?

ffha 2012-03-02 21:20

Re: Any way to disconnect from cellular network?

Originally Posted by ZedThou (Post 1173220)
This requires the cell-modem-ui package, correct?

[10 characters]

beermad 2012-03-10 20:28

Re: Any way to disconnect from cellular network?

Originally Posted by misterc (Post 1172304)
assuming you would like to stay connected to a WLAN, you could choose the "Tablet Mode" rather then "Offline";
"Tablet Mode" actually turns OFF the GSM Modem and only leaves the WLAN MoDem on

Just what I was looking for. Thanks.

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