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sam.radjabi 2012-03-08 10:55

GSM Simcard in the US
Hi All

I know this is probably badly off-topic. If so, Mods please go on and remove the thread.

I'll be in the US for about a month and want to get a PrePaid GSM sim to use with my N9 or E52. What carrier and plan can and should use? Having reasonable data is more important than calls...


Lumiaman 2012-03-08 11:21

Re: GSM Simcard in the US
Go with T-mobile, pay as you go plan. Should be cheaper than AT&T. Just go online and look at their plans

cddiede 2012-03-08 13:11

Re: GSM Simcard in the US
Assuming you don't find one at the airport when you arrive, you could get one like this:

Then follow this procedure:

T-mobile is much more helpful for prepaid and SIM only services compared to AT&T.

Not to mention that the T-Mobile 3G spectrum is compatible with the N9 (pentaband, so no great achievement) as well as the much harder to please N900.

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